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Everything posted by ADub

  1. http://kotaku.com/5932418/dayz-is-officially-being-turned-into-a-standalone-game#13443684030715&{"type":"iframeUpdated","height":2394} Is this unofficial information? :( I am le confused.
  2. ADub


    I did this properly and it did not work... Does anyone know what we should do if you bought the game via steam? I even re-installed. Do i need to update battleeye?
  3. ADub

    You were kicked off the game.

    DId anyone ever fix this. I re-installed my game. not sure if its gonna work or not....
  4. That sucks :(... You could always leave the game on and let your guy starve to death.
  5. Dont skip to 59, listen to the whole podcast. RT Podcast, best show ever! That was a great interview though. This is about a week old :D
  6. When cutting wood then need to stop because you've hacked 999999 times.
  7. ADub

    Worst Weapon?

    ^Definately. Takes a few swings tho. And i agree, crowbar hands down.
  8. ^ Stop making fake cases McNulty.
  9. ADub

    Can Of Beans

    ^ Ahahahaha best question/thread ever. I'm gonna guess no lol
  10. I bought the ATI RADEON HD 7770 for $110.00 at Canada Computers. And it runs it on full everything. If you're looking for smoothness and anti-aliasian get a NVidia. If you want more like flashy good looking games that might not be as smooth, but probably look nice, ide suggest ATI. Thats general and might recieve some hate but I've had both and thats what i found. ATI doesnt do anti-aliasing well but the game looks NICE!
  11. ADub

    Just, wow.

    Ya, personally i like the dayzinfo map as well. It is good but it bugs out sometimes.
  12. ADub

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Yup! Especially if they have a hachet! .... And bleeding ...... And has zombies chasing them and desperately needs to bandage.
  13. ADub

    How Do You Initially Gear Up?

    Well.... I like spawning near chern.... Because i play with a friend and he likes to fall a lot... we grab blood bags and morphine. Grab as much food and water bottles as possible. Hunting knife and backpack if possible. And usually you can only find basic weapon. 1866 winchester with slugs is nice, and a .45 is what i have generally. If you dont have the option shotgun. Hachet. Box of matches.... Then basically you have enough water food and ammo to survive for a while, plus when you kill animals, you cook that meat. And always fill your water and drink. Then start heading towards middle of map.
  14. ADub

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    PS. DOUBLE POST TROLOLOL. For real though, who honestly cares about this guy's bad opinion of Day Z when he clearly lacks the fundemental understanding of how the game works and or the possible outcomes of the game? Its not for everyone, but don't go on to the forums where there are enthusiasts and try to sway people's opinions because of your negative experiences. I would personally suggest you play the game for longer and actually read these forums before complaining so much.
  15. ADub

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    I need to get something extremely important off my chest. Can we please touch on the fact this forum thread is called fairwell instead of farewell or fair well... I think this topic needs to be closed now because the foundation for this forum thread is incorrect and clearly bound to fail. PS.... You suck.
  16. Thats awesome ahahah
  17. Hey Ravin, Where is the link!? I wanna get hype lol
  18. Had a bunch of good stuff and been alive for a few days. Go to this cement building in churn, the one with the fire barrel. I have a hand gun....(a .45) and see this guy drag zombies. He is lagging.... all of a sudden my screen greys out and im almost dead and I see someone in the doorway.... I hit him with my 45...... He dies.... I die.... I cry. I had all the stuff needed to survive and was just trying to find a rifle before going back into the woods.
  19. ADub

    Bag Permission

    I forgot that everyone has the skills to pick pocket people without making any noise. Who ever said that you cant hear anything, we were being sarcastic so you're stupid. Obviously you should hear something if a guy takes an AK out of your bag lol.
  20. ADub

    Bag Permission

    +1 Ya because realistically, in the zombie apocalpyse when you see someone you're not going to notice that they're stealing your stuff... There should be something showing that people are taking your stuff or a permission system. Or some type of sound when a guy enters your bag. Because realistically you're going to notice someone going into your bag....
  21. Hey yall, I really wanna find a sniper rifle so I can snizz some folks ahaha. Because thats the whole point of being a bandit is to take watch then snipe unsuspecting victims ahahahah. Where do you guys go to both find snipers and then take out innocent victims =P. Im just starting the game.
  22. WOW! Thanks for the tips! I've got my beans ready!
  23. Honestly, what i did is just copied everything from my original Arma II addons folder and put it into the Arma II: OA addons folder. You can find many videos online explaining how to do this. Tonight i will put post the file extensions but do you understand? Also, are you running the DayZ info file? http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ Take a look, has lots of troubleshooting answers.