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Everything posted by Gashed

  1. Will my body remain there? Can I run back to it? Spent all day looting to find a sniper rifle, finally found one and then someone shoots me. I fire back and he instantly ALT F4's. I pass out and am at 1k blood and still bleeding. What causes bodies to disappear? I want to just die and run back but am worried my body won't be there.
  2. Alright, thanks.. Wish me luck! EDIT: actually going to wait alittle while.. See if my friend comes online to help me
  3. Reported for spam. Can't you read?
  4. I use it, it doesn't update the beta patch, only the Dayz mod :/
  5. I work nights so I have the advantage of having a tonne of empty servers (Literally noone but me) to play on and loot to my hearts content every morning. Every day I check the fire stations in EVERY town, I hit up balota airstrip and military tents, And then starry and NWAF. The only sniper rifle I've ever found was an M24 in a tent @ starry sobor. Never found one before or since that day. Where do you find YOUR rifles? I should note that I often find upwards of 30 AK's (of different models, AKSU and Kobra etc) and tonnes of backpacks. Never found ghillie suit either.. Just today I found 4 Crashed heli's none with snipers or ghillies, only FAL's and SAW's. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Am I just extremely unlucky?
  6. Thanks for all of the info guys. Will continue my search in hopes of the fabled Anti Material Rifle. So does low population affect loot? :o
  7. it says version required: 1.61.95054 apparently I only have 1.61 I've run six updater and launcher but still no change. The text in the "Required:" box is red. Sup with that?
  8. EDIT: nevermind sorry, I brainfarted. Forgot to download latest patch.
  9. Gashed

    Multiple characters

    Would love to hear more on this topic as I too, play with friends.. Problem is they're all overseas, and not being able to play most of the day is kind of frustrating.
  10. This happened to a friend and I. We need some form of item that prevents people from logging in near/around you. Somebody logged in right by me and my friend mistook him for me.
  11. The guy spawned next to me, silently. Not a single footstep. THAT is the problem I'm addressing here.
  12. Can't you read? He was looting, I was providing overwatch. Don't speak when not spoken to, else you'll sound foolish.
  13. Lost all of my stuff. Didn't die, just freshly respawned, completely. For f**k sake. Anyone else?
  14. Not running the latest version of the Dayz Beta/Patch. Update and it'll work just fine. Players with this issue, all you can do is find an up to date server.
  15. Extremely frustrating. I aborted nearby to two friends with a shittone of gear. We were gonna raid Berenzino... PLAN CANCELLED LOL Ahh well.
  16. Lost all of my stuff. Didn't die, just freshly respawned, completely. For f**k sake. Anyone else?
  17. Looting a grocery store deep north east, Nothing in it. At all. Nothing. Zilch. No empty cans, no flares, no trash. Nothing. I ran around the town a bit looking for loot, nothing, in every apartment complex or small house. Stopped at the hospital, grabbed some supplies. Ran back to the grocery store, suddenly it's full of goodies. I disconnected and then (straight after, no wait, so NOBODY else looted it) reconnected and wow. Nothing is there, again. Everything that spawned vanished. What the hell is going on and why is this not being talked about everywhere?
  18. and even so, that's ridiculous. Loot doesn't spawn in buildings you're in? What's the point in looting if you have to enter a building, run a mile away from it, and then run back?
  19. *I disconnected and then (straight after, no wait, so NOBODY else looted it) reconnected and wow. Nothing is there, again. Everything that spawned vanished.*
  20. if you could mark a map in Paint and upload it to imgur or something for me I'd appreciate it.. I found one once but had no map to mark my position with :( Really want to find it again.
  22. Gashed

    Infected Aggro Radius

    Yep. This needs to be fixed.
  23. Gashed

    Is DayZ harder to run than Arma 2 Free?

    I tried this very same thing before buying everything necessary to play DayZ. It works perfectly. I couldn't play arma2 free with anything above lowest graphics settings, BUT With DayZ I can play with everything set to normal! It's awesome. GL and HF.