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Everything posted by Gashed

  1. Gashed

    8/10 checkboxes complete on launch

    Happened to me once before, too. I just Verified Steam Cache on both games (OA and arma 2) by clicking properties, Local Files tab and clicking verify. Will locate and fix broken or missing files. if that fails, just try a PC restart.
  2. First you have to wait for the first loading screen, that takes 5mins upwards, no problem, I can wait. Then you get to the waiting for character to create screen.. +10 mins. Then the second loading screen. Another 10+ mins.. Why are servers allowed to have as many as 100 players if they can't actually handle it? I'm trying to join a 64/70 player server, would kill myself before I waited for a 100man server to load.
  3. Soldier camo isn't hacked, and neither are helicopters - lol. I have a few soldier camo's myself, and stolen from other camps too!
  4. Gashed

    Could it run DayZ Mostly Maxed w/o shadows?

    It's a gaming laptop. Built specifically for gaming.
  5. Gashed

    Could it run DayZ Mostly Maxed w/o shadows?

    I'm playing on a £700/$1100 laptop and can barely run it with maxed settings, without shadows.
  6. Every single time I launch Arma 2 operation arrowhead VIA steam the same Performing First Setup window appears, saying "Installing Microsoft DirectX for Windows (Step 1 of 1). Every. Damn. Time. Even though obviously it's installed already. Wouldn't be a problem - but it takes about 10 minutes each time.
  7. Gashed

    Is the hive down?

    Servers aren't even showing in my list anymore.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKSs5zoOU_8&feature=youtu.be Any idea how I can stop this crap? The game itself is counter sniping me. (1080p hd, turn it on)
  9. Hah thanks. As to everyone saying they can't see the video; I used the Audio Change feature. Seems the song I had playing in the background when I recorded this is heavily copyrighted. Should be fine now!
  10. I snipe at NWAF, Stary and NEAF... So you won't spot me noob sniping, lol. Thanks for the visibility tip off guys..
  11. My aussie friend is our pilot. He timed out. We all died. The end.
  12. It's stuck right next to a tree. How can I remove the tree/knock it down without damaging the heli? I have satchels but the heli is too close. Our team also has a UAZ but I don't think that can knock down big trees.
  13. As much as I am thankful for your speedy response, that is a hell of a lot easier said than done. :/
  14. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xarza/wtf_random_battleye_ban/ Pic: http://imgur.com/X486e Is this a known bug? We were all banned at exactly the same time. We don't cheat at all.
  15. Any idea how we can get in touch with the admin of US 916? This is our home server, with our camp and all of our items.. Very depressing.
  16. Finally got my tents stacked full of decent stuff and I log in today to see that they're gone.. No flattened tents, no empty tents.. just gone.
  17. Gashed

    Tents vanished...

    Oh. Well considering I'm not the host/owner that's out of the question. Nevermind.
  18. Gashed

    Tents vanished...

    Sorry, Bump the server? How does one do that.
  19. Gashed

    Tents vanished...

    Bump it?
  20. My friend is bleeding out FAST and I need to know whether to bloodbag him first or bandage him. Which one of the two has the shortest animation/delay? Edit: he has less than 1k blood. EDIT2: Bloodbagged first, good thing too. The bandage does 1 extra "Tick" after the animation has finished, so if I had done that he would have died. Thanks everyone except MONSTER, the tryhard.
  21. He was shot. He fired at the guy who fired at him. After he hit the attacker the attacker alt+f4'd. My friend was using a FAL, so a single shot is pretty lethal from it. My friend turned on the spot to fire at his attacker, WITH LOW BLOOD. The second he stepped forward to go for cover he fell unconscious. And little kids like you, using the word "Faggot" as an insult is what is wrong with society, and gaming. Stop being a homophobe and acting like a 12 year old.
  22. Now for some context, Mr Know It All. He was fired upon. He returned fire, but his attacker instantly ALT+F4'd. My friend didn't. He fell unconscious and then aborted (AFTER his attacker disconnected). He is in the middle of a very dangerous area (Stary) and he's trying to survive as long as possible and has some very decent gear (Currently 9 days playtime). And, since on occasion bodies randomly de-spawn, too risky. Now stop making assumptions and using pink text. Trying way too hard.