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About MaTMaN1344

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MaTMaN1344

    Add a bullet-proof vests

    That would be awesome to have and take up 2 invetory spots but the higher grade snipers could shoot through it
  2. MaTMaN1344

    Banned from NY25

    this same shit happend to me i was looking at a ammo crate and got banned
  3. MaTMaN1344

    Banned from NY25

    this same shit happend to me i was looking at a ammo crate and got banned
  4. ya well just because i killed him thats why clans piss me off please can some admin make it so i stop getting kicked i loved playing on that server ya well just because i killed him thats why clans piss me off please can some admin make it so i stop getting kicked i loved playing on that server my name in the game it iTz_MaTT but used to be MaTMaN
  5. Why is it set to auto kick me i did nothing to deserve this one guy saw me looking at a ammo crate i saw by the coast but it wasent mine so i killed him am i kicked for being a bandit? I dont understand i dont evan know how to hack or cheat im only 13 please let it not kick me whenever i join. I will tell you who i know is hacking though.