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Ape (DayZ)

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About Ape (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ape (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Snipers at night: It was in the middle of the night. Our group of 3 survivers arrived at Mogilevka from south direction. medium equiped with 2 enfields, a shotgun and a few random pistols. after a tough fight at Pusta versus a horde of zombies (damn this enfield is noisy) we were on the run, low on ammo, low on flares/chemlights, no nightvision. at the end of the road i saw the shapes of the first housings. One teammate pulled out a flare, enlighted it and threw it towards the buildings. No zombies. suspicious... we moved on slowly. after passing the first building we gathered on the right side of the street in the high grass. on front of us the open fields and downhill the center of Mogilevka. - then a shot ; and a 2nd one - we tryed to reach some cover. Another shot! This time in our direction. first teammate went down immediatly. headshot. i heard the flys above his body when i went to phrone next to him. another shot hit me and i started to bleed. i tryed to reach some cover and bandaged my wounds. we knew the sniper in the center of the village and propably had nightvision. so we started to threw flares in his direction, hopefully to blind him and give is at least some kind of hope to see him. We split in 2 directions and slowly aimed for the village. shadows were moving everywhere in the city. "Get him zombies" - i though. and they did! another 2 shots but not in our direction. i could barely see his weapon flashing. but after that darkness. no way to see him. i pulled out my binoculars heading towards the flashing lights. and there he was lieing on the ground, aiming at another zombie. and another shot. with my binoculars on i tryed to go closer but then he aimed in my direction. i went to ground immediatly. after changing my postion i got up to risk another look. he was gone i saw 2 zombies chasing something. thats the only chance i said to myself. so i stood up and try to chase the zombies. i run downhill looking for the sniper, looking for the zombies - darkness. i felt uncomfortable and i started to think of turning around. didnt know that this was my last thought. i saw a last light flashing and before i heard the shot... darkness. was fun though :D