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About SpeechMan

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  1. SpeechMan

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    I don't mind the 5 minute wait. But currently I'm stuck inside a wall and this is my fourth relog to get out from there, you do the math. That said, even though the system is there to prevent exploiting, I agree with OPs opinion until getting stuck inside walls is fixed. Or they could give us some other way to get unstuck, maybe some /unstuck system?
  2. If you look at the Chernarus+ map, you can see a pattern where all the worthwhile loot areas are. Basically it forms a circle, with bunch of nothing in the middle. My suggestion is to change the new character spawn areas away from the coast and into the middle of the map. Multiple things would be gained: - By starting the game away from big loot centers (Cherno, Elektro) it would make gathering equipment last a bit longer. - Finding out your exact location after spawning would be lot harder without the coastline visible. - Spawn killing would be harder since spawns could be moved to forests instead of wide open coast. - Overall population spread would move away from big coastal cities and more evenly around the map.
  3. SpeechMan

    Dynamic Objects (not Dynamic terrain)

    I was thinking about something similar the other day. However I got stuck wiht an issue and couldn't find a solution: What happens when someone logs off in one of the spots that these wrecks appear and when he logs in he finds himself stuck inside the wreck?
  4. SpeechMan

    adding achievements

    Well, no. But then again, if you think about minecraft, that might kind of work. For those who live under a rock, minecraft has very few achievements that are placed sequentially, so you have to complete achievement 1 before achevement 2 becomes unlocked so you can go for it. Secondly, the achievements are personal. No one ever sees what achievements you have completed, so it's just fo yourself. There is, however, the sometimes annoying popup box telling you when you have completed an achievement. So, add achievements, make them sequential and give us option to disable those pop-ups (default is off). Then simply add achievement button to pause menu so you can check your progress. To make it even better, make the achievements reset everytime you die. I personally don't care about achievements, but I know some people do, and this way we can give something for everyone. Those who dislike achievements can just leave the popup option off and forget they even exist in the game.
  5. SpeechMan

    [SA] Prevent meta-gaming

    This thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/126875-zombie-killing-incentive/ Got me thinking more about the issue of meta-gaming. For me, meta-gaming was something that pretty much killed DayZ. My gaming experience went something like this: First, after spawn, I saw a town. I headed into the town, trying to find open buildings to loot. A while later I started to recognize buildings that have loot and was able to check towns from a distance to judge wether I should go through the town or just go around. From this, it was an easy step to have mental list of which towns are worth entering. After that, I was in a situation where after spawning I immediately knew which way to go to get the best loot. And currently, I spawn and take almost direct route to NWAF, only detour is for a supermarket to get some survival gear. Combine this with learning how to deal with zombies and that's about it. As far as I understand, the SA already have few mechanics to help the situation: 1) Loot will be spawned by server, so you can't farm the loot spawns anymore, forcing you to spread out. 2) The map will have different loot spread out more evenly. This is good, but I thought about little more. So here's the actual suggestion (and sorry for digressing): Simply put, locked doors. Limiting our access to some buildings. First, the reason: The door is locked because the resident of the building had time to leave before turning into infected. Simple, but effective. They took with them most of their posessions, but had to leave some behind so they locked the door. There are 2 ways of opening a locked door. Either shoot it out or find and use lockpicks. Both have their downside. Shooting attracts zombies but lockpicking needs the tool, takes longer and leaves you exposed during the progress. And before someone brings up that mythbusters clearly showed that you can't shoot the lock to open it, we just need to have the doors locked with padlocks. Those you can shoot open. In the end this will give us more to do and think about when looting and also make loot a bit harder to get/making loot divide more evenly across players.
  6. SpeechMan

    Zombie killing Incentive

    I think there's one issue that really needs to be brought to this discussion and that's meta-gaming. Problem with player progression vs. character progression is that when it's the player that makes all the progress, it makes death meaningless. Not completely, but partly. Let's take a hypotethical example to better explain what I say: NOTE: This example is purely hypotethical and does not try to say which mechanics are or should be in game. Let's start with character progression game: A Player finds a makarov that is jammed,so the player needs X amount of experience to be able to disassemble, clean and reassemble the gun. If you want a system that is less arbitrary, maybe you need to find a handbook that shows you what to do. To make things harder you need to have both the weapon and the handbook at the same time to be able to learn the skill. Player progression game: Playeer finds a makarov that is jammed. Alt-tab, open wiki, look for instructions, back to game, fix the gun, start shooting. After a while you can even skip the alt-tab phase. I'm in a hurry so I can't elaborate more, but hope you get my point.
  7. SpeechMan

    Building my own pc. Need to discuss specs.

    Get SSD drive, it'll be well worth the money. As for the memory. Stop looking at Mhz and buy one with lower latency. I wasn't able to check your GPU link, but if possible, go for an overclocked model. Otherwise, that's pretty close to my current rig and I'd say it's pretty good.
  8. SpeechMan

    Inventory slots idea [SA]

    Come to think of it (along with couple cups of coffee), this propably wasn't as much a suggestion as I originally thought of. Instead, it's something I thought about and wanted to make sure is in the game since it's IMO something that will have a great impact on making the game feel right. And it's also partially because I just can't wait for the SA to be released.
  9. As we've been told, the new inventory model will be a series of containers, meaning that every item will have inventory slots to use. My idea basically, is to group these slots into 2 categories, primary and secondary (you might wanna think of better names). Primary slots are places like jacket pockets, belt pouches, etc. and secondary slots are slots like backpack. The idea is that items in primary slots can be used right away, but items in secondary slots need you to stop and open inventory management to use. Couple examples to make this clearer: - A compass, if you have it in primary slot, you can just press the compass hotkey to see you heading (similar to current DayZ mod system), but if it's in secondary slot, you need to stop, open your inventory and navigate to backpack to bring up the compass - Similar thing with clips. If you have a clip in your primary slot, you can just press the reload button, but if it's in secondary slot, once again you need to stop, open inventory, open backpack and the drag the clip to your weapon.
  10. SpeechMan

    Map area suggestion [SA]

    This may be a bit late, but in case the chernarus plus map is still in progress, here`s a little idea. How about adding a garbage dump. Here are the key points about the area - A relatively large and flat area with garbage mounds that form small hills - Large zombie population, drawn there by the smell of decaying flesh and rats - In terms of Dayz mod, the whole area serves as a huge residential and industrial spawn. So it`s a good place for food, clothes, tools and vehicle parts. Since the area is a good spawn area, it would be a worthy place to visit. But at the same time the large zed population and lack of cover makes it very dangerous. And finally something that might not be possible with the engine, but would be cool, a system copied from a few years old MMO called Xsyon. Instead of simply finding items from the area, all you would find are garbage bags etc. Which you then have to sort to find out if there is actually anything useful inside.
  11. SpeechMan

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    You think flipping ATV is annoying? How about this: I spent several hours fixing a heli alone. Actually died a couple times and had to run all the way to NEAF and gather all the basic stuff. Finally when I got the thing going, flew around for like 30 minutes and decided to go check Cherno. For some reason as soon as I entered cherno, all the people there started shooting at me. Took a couple hits and decided to leave for repairs. This is when stuff hit the fan. I landed on the roof of the factory, got the parts and did the repairs, but when I entered the chopper, there was no fuel. 1/3 tank of fuel just disappeared. So I though I'll just refuel the thing. Spent quite a long time running the stairs up and down carrying fuel, just when I got enough so I could have moved to better refuelling point, the fuel just disappeared, AGAIN!
  12. SpeechMan

    Vehicle repair and refuel

    Few days ago I found a car Vyshnoye that was missing a wheel. So I run to Mogilevka that has: 2 medium industrials 3 low industrials 1 medium farm 1 low farm In total I spent over 3 hours running around the area, emptying spawns and waiting new loot to spawn. Got a jerry can, engine parts, even main rotor assembly, but couldn't find a wheel. This wasn't the first time this happened, few weeks ago I had similar situation in Berezino. Also a while ago I was in the factory near Orlovets, found engine parts, toolbox and fuel pretty fast, but had to empty the loot piles a few times before getting a wheel. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems as the wheel has the same spawn value as engine parts. Basically this is right, but the problem is that wheels have a lot more use. You need 4 of them for the repair and they are also the most common part to get damaged. Or maybe I have just a very bad luck, but even when I was repairing a heli, I only found a few wheels while gathering all the required parts for the heli.
  13. I think this more of a stuff for SA, but maybe this could be added to the mod as well. The last couple of days I've been playing there's been a lot of vehicles available, thanks to the lower player count. So I've spent my time repairing these vehicles and noticed one thing, wheels are rare, sometimes a bit too rare. So here's what I think should be done: Make wheels more common, but make jerrycans a lot harder to find. Wheels should still stay relatively rare, but since you need 4 of them to fix a car, they should be a bit more common than engine parts. Now it's easier to repair a car but harder to fuel it. Next, give us the possibility of refueling using canteens. In addition to making refueling take a longer time, putting fuel into canteen would change it into "Water bottle (ruined)", so it couldn't be used for water anymore. Of course, this would mean that filling a container with fuel would need to be done through right clicking in the gear window instead of the action menu to give us control over where we put the fuel. That change would also have the effect of making filling containers take longer time, which in my opinion is a good thing. As a added bonus, it would be great if jerrycans would degrade over time/use, but I think that's only possible in the SA, not the mod.
  14. When playing DayZ, there are 2 things I like more than anything, tents and vehicles. For tents it's simply because they allow me to stay away from actual zombie areas and instead roam the forests and loot stuff that people have worked hard to acquire. As for the vehicles, it's just that I love them, both IRL and in game. So, since I like those 2, I'd like them improved. Let's start with the tents. Current tent system is a bit too limited, so I though of expanding it a bit. In addition to tents we need stashes. Stash is exactly what the name implies, a (almost) hidden place you can put stuff in. First you need either hatchet or knife to create the stash. When you have either of those, you can go to any spot outside buildings or paved areas and create stash. Once created, it will disappear in one hour unless there are items inside. Empty stash will be just a little pile of sticks and foliage, but as soon as you start putting items inside, it starts to become bigger and more easy to spot. Another downside with stashes is that every hour there is a possibility of loosing item stored there. Therefore it wouldn't stand as a long time storage like tent. There's of course the possibility of adding items that would lessen the possibility of item loss (different bags, etc.). So, the stash system would not replace tents, since tents are still there as long term storage, but instead they would add to it by adding a short term storage that could be created easily. Then to the vehicles, the idea of vehicle breakdown. This is actually an old idea of mine, but I couldn't find any post about it, so apparently I never posted it here. When you drive your car around, there would always be the possibility of vehicle breakdown. If possible, the game should track the time or distance driven since the last repair and base the possibility on that. There would be 2 kinds of breakdowns, minor and major. Let's start with minor: Effects: Vehicle speed reduced to something like 10-20 km/h When driving the engine would take constant damage. Very, very slowly, but still some. Increased possibility of major breakdown. Fixed simply by using a toolbox to fix the car. Would take something like 15-30 secs. Then the major breakdown: Effects: Vehicle would stop Vehicle would let out a cloud of smoke. Not quite as visible as the one that comes when a vehicle is destroyed, but something similar. Fixing would require a toolbox and engine parts and would take longer, maybe 45-60 secs. There's also possibility of adding new item "spare parts" to be used for repairing or another possibility of making the item required random (Engine parts/scrap metal/spare parts/empty can) (Empty cans can be used to fix exhaust damage IRL)
  15. SpeechMan

    How about streetlights?

    Let me start by saying even to me this sounds quite stupid at first. I mean, whole area is destroyed, there's nothing left of the civilization, so how could there be power for the lights? But then again, there are lot of things that doesn't make sense, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just one more. Just think about how it would change the gameplay. First point is that I'm not talking about complete illumination here, instead just a few streetlights in cities and towns along the main roads. I actually got this idea one night when I was playing DayZ and went outside for a smoke. I looked around and saw areas illuminated by lights and deep shadows in between and started thinking about how easy it would be for someone to hide in the shadows watching me (a bit paranoid thought there). Now, let me list how this would affect gameplay: 1) Night servers would be repopulated. Like it or not, currently night time servers are pretty empty, with just a handful of people with NVGs running around scavenging. People without NVGs tend to switch to daytime servers rather than scampering around without seeing a thing. 2) Night time scavenging would become harder. Currently during night scavenging is just too easy, especially if it's also raining you can just leisurely stroll around cities grabbing what you need. With streetlights it would become a whole new experience trying to stay in shadows while navigating through towns. As far as my gameplay experience goes, this would mean a lot, cause currently I spend daytime looking for camps and night time gathering supplies in towns with very minimal risk involved. 3) NVG would lose some of it's edge. During night, NVG gives players too much advantage. If towns would be illuminated by street lights, NVGs would be useless there, greatly reducing the edge. NVGs would still be extremely useful when wondering through the forests, so they wouldn't become obsolete. 4) Change the life of the sniper. Instead of just equipping NVG, the sniper would instead have to keep his/her aim in the illuminated areas trying to find a player straying away from the shadows or accidentally silhuetting against the illumination. 5) Flashlight would finally have some use. If you turn on your flashlight in the pitch black night it's like a beacon to everyone looking in your general direction. But if you turn on your flashlight in a town already having few light sources (and if you don't move while doing it), you might just make it without being spotted. So in the end, although veering away from the realism standpoint, adding streetlights would IMHO actually add an interesting new element to the gameplay.