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Jampampish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jampampish (DayZ)

  1. Jampampish (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    does anyone know where can i find ak74 mags, cause ever since i found aks-74 (few days after it was introduced in stable branch) i have carefully been collecting ammo but i havent found or seen a single mag ever witch is really frustrating, because i have been running trough all the military bases on the west side of the map (Balota - Military base south of Pavlovo - Zelenogorsk - Military base southeast of Vybor - NWAF)
  2. Jampampish (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Monitor Resolution - 1440x900 CPU - I5 3350p GPU - GTX 650 RAM - 8gb 660MHz Outside city's it's 40-60 fps Inside city's it's 30-40 fps And in one city(forgot the name but there are lots of appartment buildings in it and its near the cost) its 20-25, yeah i try to stay away from there lol