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Posts posted by paradox.

  1. First off, I know there are a few threads similar, but I've not seen one that's the same as this. (Although correct me if I'm wrong).

    ~The Main idea(s)~

    1) Increase the amount of Zombies. (Obviously this has been suggested many times before, but I have included it anyway, as this would make the other ideas more effective)

    2) Include a smellometer that is ONLY affected by blood, and make zombies very sensitive to this.

    (I've seen some suggestions for this but for sweat as well, but personally I think that would be annoying rather than fun, although you may disagree)

    3) Zombies eat corpses/damage the equipment on them, leaving behind a skeleton (or manky skeleton with a bit of flesh - lovely!)

    ~What this will do~

    This would encourage player co-operation, whilst at the same time discouraging needless player-killing.

    ~Example Scenario~

    You come across a player that is a short distance away from you.

    You kill him with a gun/melee.

    Zombies in a LARGE AREA hear the shot, and smell the blood and start *WALKING* towards the scent.

    You now need to get out of the immediate area QUICKLY.

    You CANNOT come back for the stuff on the body as it will be DAMAGED by the zombies once they eat the corpse.

    If you used melee you need to use a water bottle on yourself to remove scent - no water bottle? Good luck!

    Things that will make SNIPERS think twice before killing needlessly:

    1) The body will be eaten, and equipment damaged - therefore no loot.

    2) Make zombies A LOT more sensitive to GUNSHOTS (not all sounds) - make them *WALK* towards it. - Snipers gotta keep on the move then!

    3) Decrease the amount of sniper ammo spawned.

    What you guys think? Let us know if you disagree with anything/have anything to add. =)

    + 1

  2. This would make it world wide and more people would buy it if it was made for xbox... dont get me wrong i love pc gaming but i would love to see such a great game like dayZ on the console as an arcade game or what not.

    look at minecraft xbox 360 edition and how huge it has become on xbox, its almost over taken CoD downloads etc and its played world wide because of pc influences.... dayz should definatley come on xbox because it would spread the name of dayz so far!

    Wouldn't run to many controls stupid idea you idoit.

  3. I was looking down my scope at the Elektro power plant on SE 6 to scout it out before I went in. Some guy, not noticing me, walks down the hill not 10 metres away from me. I go into crouch and put a few .45 rounds into him, and his body disappears 2 seconds later. Fine. I go back to finish up my scouting.

    45 seconds later, he logs back in, and puts a few m4 rounds into me.

    Fuck you, dude.

    stupid post everyone allready hates them and there are numerous amounts of posts and this wasn't even a suggestion.

  4. Not a particularly complicated concept, I personally think it would be really cool to implement a megaphone into the game. It would go in the tool belt and operate similarly to the flashlight in that it must be equipped, taking the slot of your secondary weapon.

    Essentially, my idea is for this item to amplify your voice when speaking through direct chat, increasing its range and volume. In my experience, sometimes you find yourself in a situation where the meagre 70-odd metre audible range (and realistically, 15 metres if you want to hold up any kind of conversation) just doesn't seem to cut it, and I think making it easier for people to communicate in a way that doesn't throw out immersion will allow for more friendly encounters between survivors.

    Voice communication in it's current state is particularly difficult when using vehicles (unless you've gone and turned your sfx right down), and while it might seem a bit extreme to be speaking through a megaphone to a passenger riding next to you, it would make talking to people outside of the vehicle a bit more viable. For example, shouting from a helicopter hovering above down toward a survivor on the ground to drop his gun/tell him you're friendly/sing softly to him over the roaring rotor blades would both make it less likely that people get killed unnecessarily and also be a really exciting experience for all.

    Obviously this could also be used to set traps, or spam players through direct or a number of other uses, but players would have to realise that they're putting themselves at risk by pinpointing their location to other players. Also, to try and ensure that not every player is running around Cherno trumpeting like an elephant, I would suggest making them a rarity (0.99% chance of spawn in military spawns for instance, similar to the gps). I feel that with the mod in it's current condition (referring only to the abundance of hackers, ability to dupe etc.) this would be best implemented in the standalone, where the devs will have a lot more control over the way that the game is played, but if I'd be happy to see it implemented in the mod if it was balanced out properly :thumbsup:

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents, and I think it would be a pretty cool idea. Hopefully one of the devs will get a chance to look over this in the midst of the other 200,000,000 posts offering suggestions for the standalone. Either way, it's in your hands now! ^_^


  5. Ok, so everyone is getting tired of hackers and such, and trying to get them banned is a real pain in the ass. Most people who have DayZ bough Arma 2 off steam. So pretty much the standalone could use a system of some sort like steam or steam itself. Why? Because you can see who you are currently playing with and people you have previously played with, which would make finding hackers alot easier. And once you find their profile you can report them which would make life alot easier for moderators.

    This might be a challange for the Devs, but pretty much ALL games have this nowdays, such as xbox live, ps3 and most PC games.

    Also having this overlay feature would also make playing with friends way more easier, and playing with people you've met in game easier too.

    Any other ideas?


  6. Here we go.

    One line suggestion for Day Z (you dont have to explain your thought, just let it out) - please check your suggestion hasnt been repeated. Whoever gets the most beans wins gold.

    For Aussies there is also a silver medal.

    Let the games commence.

    There should be a godly statue of you(DemonGroover) added to the game and if you pray to it you get godmode.

    • Like 1

  7. I've been reading around the forums a bit, including the 'Urban Legends' thread.

    I've been thinking, that it would be an idea to add rare random encounters? Could be anything from a very deformed zombie (think Slenderman) to a burning forest (nevermind, realised that already exists).

    Sorry if it's been suggested before.

    Or if they already exist...

    Vampires would be a good touch to the game.

  8. I think it would be nice if hunting was improved in dayz by adding things such as,

    1. First of all I think it would be nice if some new animals were added such as, deer, bears, ducks, and wolves.

    2. If you don't shoot an animal in a vital organ then it will run away and possibly survive.

    3. When an animal is shot and runs away it will leave a blood trail.

    4.When an animal spots you it should run away. (Most wild animals do run away, especially deer.)

    5. Some sort of animal food or bait would be a great new item.

    I don't see why not.. would be helpful aswell and more fun hunting.

    You should just post this idea though when the standalone is out not many people will care about this atm everyone just wants bug fixes.. better loot spawn less hackers and more guns.

  9. If this game is based on Survival. Considering i have broken Legs. Is there NO Other way i can help myself. I mean, At least, Go to a Tree, Get a branch, And patch my legs up. For the love of god, Im not actually going to crawl All the way to Cherno or some place Hoping to find Morphine.

    On the Other hand, if i did patch my legs up with a branch, or Twig Or something. Then, Movement Can be impaired, Limping,... Running, but just a little slower with a limp animation.

    this is Absurd that i cant do anything about my broken legs.

    First AID in the book of survival is: If you have a broken Limb. use a branch. its Logic.

    People have allready suggested a splint.

  10. Spawning without any way to defend yourself is incredibly hard for a new player. They don't know how the zombie aggro works, much less how to equip/use hatchets initially if they were to stumble on them. If you aggro even 1 zombie in the starter zone, you either have to kite it into a building with multiple doors, or just run forever until you finally lose it behind a building or something.

    I just think starting without any way to defend yourself initially is pretty crippling. Maybe not even a hatchet, maybe just punching animations; like 4-5 punches and you can knock a zombie down and be able to run away from it while it's trying to get back up or something.

    Thoughts/comments/concerns about starting with a melee weapon equipped when you spawn?

    I think you should only spawn with a bandage and that is all imo.. would make it alot harder.

  11. How about a train that runs along the coast on the rail line stopping at all the stations to allow you to get to the towns quicker. Perhaps even make it like a vehicle where it has to be fixed with scrap metal, glass etc to get it running.

    been suggested but +1 Their should also be small loot piles of just food and soda cans and emtpy tin cans.

  12. guise, todai i thought that we need vampires, because then u can suck people blood, and then they can be vampires too.

    vampires cant go in the day, but they cant die unless shot in the head or in the heart, also they need to be able to jump 50 times faster then normal humens, and run 50 times faster, and they need to be able to turn into bats.

    if anyone doesnt agree they should not reply, also a great thing to get is werewolfs, but i cba to explain all dat.

    bravo great idea totally fits in the game.

  13. Speaking for myself, I've been playing video games since the 70s (pong,asteroids) and what makes a great game to me is a game that uses teamwork to accomplish goals instead of killing each other. Of course I understand the popularity of first person shooters and pvp games but I think games should have a diversity of options to the player. Myself,, I would rather survive the elements instead of spending the day gathering supplys to have it disappear with one shot from another player. So heres my take of what I think would improve the game for me.

    1.normal servers and pvp servers to give a (choice) to fight the elements or other players.normal servers with more zombies/objectives and pvp- kill or b killed.

    2.start at a base instead of the shoreline to get objectives/ missions to complete.

    3.start with at least a knife to defend yourself that can be used to stab or field dress animal kills.

    4.servers to list if they are at night or day.

    5.graveyards throughout environment to be able to get back to your body and recover gear lost or spawn at graveyard with gear intact.

    Only agree with 3 the rest are well let me put it stupid....and 4 is done allready.

  14. THE GOOD

    Now there are some ideas that have been suggested that I really like and I think will make the game better. These things increase the human element, increase the realism and in some ways the difficulty. These haven't all be suggested by me, and some are apparently going in anyway but I thought I'd list them here as a counter point to my comments below.

    1: Removing global chat (IN on good servers anyway). I'd also like to see whisper, talk and shout modes the latter two which would up the range of your voice but also risk alerting infected. Also more hand signals, someone also suggested a whistle which I quite liked. Direct chat needs to be very reliable and there need to be quick clear ways of signalling. Death comes fast in Dayz to help reduce KOS communication has to be unequivocally clear.

    2: Radios. To allow long range communication, radios, walkie talkies. Here's a thread on it


    3: Exposure. Weather , warmth / cold survival elements. IN and improving with each patch by the looks of it.

    4: Player journals. I love extra human element this will add. Id like them to just be something you can read on a corpse and not take with you. Here's the thread http://dayzmod.com/f...ge__hl__journal . Support this idea!

    5: Occasional (VERY rare) zombie wanderers in the wilds. Not enough to make the wilderness stressful, just enough to make sure you couldn't feel totally safe. Or possibly the odd bear or wolf http://dayzmod.com/f...ars-and-wolfes/

    6: Better hunting, wild animals that spook and are harder to kill. Also zombies killing animals. I'd like the feeling of a ravaged eco system you would get from seeing scared animals. And also seeing the Zs chasing down and eating livestock etc. That could at times also provide a valuable distraction...


    7: Possibly a more involved crafting cooking system. Foraging, cooking recipes. The hatchet is a start towards this sort of thing I think.

    8: Daynight cycle 1.5 x speed. So you get more variety, might stop servers cheating and resetting server time. And allow players to experience both day and night if they can play only at certain times. Don't get me wrong I love night time!

    I see this was also discussed here http://dayzmod.com/f...ad.php?tid=1418

    However I read a post by Rocket that said that this isn't possible currently. An alternative I came up with is locking CD keys to a timezone : http://dayzmod.com/f...synced-to-time/

    9: checking / refilling magazines. Please god! An inventory filled with clips with 2 bullets in is a killers! http://dayzmod.com/f...?tid=746����IN! Checking is in and at least some ammo types can be converted. A nice start.

    10: Less predictable loot locations. The loot zoning is ok. But having the best loot spawn in the same place in the same building every time is too predictable for my liking. Possibly less predictable vehicle locations as well to prevent out of game maps plotting the spawns.

    11: Repairable refuel able emergency generators. I wasn't sure about this idea but think it could work. I'd prefer to see smaller generators rather than full power stations myself so that teams could light up small areas. Could tie in with the radios idea as well. Here's the thread. hhttp://dayzmod.com/f...enerators-v-33/

    12: Remove radar from helicopters. To stop people being able to hoover up all the vehicles as soon as they have a chopper. DONE!

    13: Camo netting. I'm sure this had been suggested before. But some camo webbing to hide vehicles would be fantastic!

    14: Traps (already on the way apparently). Beartraps are sposed to be in but I haven't seen one yet.

    15: Non lethal weapons. Something to incapacitate people and rob them without killing them. Tranq darts etc would be nice. One shot = slower movement blurry vision etc. Two shots = slow down until you pass out. The gun could be a slow loading one shot weapon so there is no one hit kill mechanic introduced with these weapons. More options for people is a good thing.

    16: Shooting people damaging equipment. Discussion thread here http://dayzmod.com/f...d.php?tid=11265

    17: Throwing anim quicker or not stop you moving. Smoke grenades for instance are a life saver, or should be right now you stand and get mauled before you can get the smoke away.

    18: Curious Z's. Loud sounds outside their agro range draw zeds to wander roughly in that direction. So a grenade blast in the distance, a sniper shot a car. If not close enough to draw direct agro causes them to gravitate. See no 21 for an extension of this.

    19: Sprains. Small falls instead of shattering your legs cause sprains that stop you running but not walking. Painkillers cure the sprain. Zombies can be more likely to do this than break your legs as well. (1.72. will reduce zombie legs breaks which is a nice start).

    20: This ground mist on occasion for added spookiness. http://dayzmod.com/f...d.php?tid=12092 looks very atmospheric.

    21: Zombies spawning much further from players. Might be possible with 1.7.2 optimisations. http://dayzmod.com/f...ns-and-zombies/

    22: Less ammo , military weapons. Combined with fixing the ammo bug (below). I still think the good weapons should be in the game just much much rarer. Along with ammo in general. I like the thrill of finding something good. But as it stands it's way too easy to find military hardware. Remove military spawns from all civilian places. Lower the spawn rates in all others including deerstands. Primary source should be crashed choppers I think, but even then much rarer. This has been suggested in many places and is an important step to making Dayz less KOS and more about survival.



    Ok instead of repeating myself in lots of different places I thought I'd just write my thoughts on Gameplay etc in one place, then you can all tear it to shreds lol.

    1st: The first thing that makes Dayz great is the human element. The interactions that occur between players. These interactions are defined by fear, mistrust and uncertainty.

    2nd : The second thing that makes Dayz great is the realism, and the difficulty. Everything is difficult in this game. This makes the reward all the greater.

    People keep suggesting mechanics, like Safe Zones. Spawn on friends. Factions. No friendly fire. Easier Vehicles, more powerful Makarov, building safe houses,etc. No no! Missing the point! DONT MAKE IT EASIER!

    Sometimes the game can be frustrating but making it easier, making these things more convenient will kill what makes the game so compelling. When I've achieved something I hate dying, but when I re-spawn I learn from my mistakes and am driven to not make them again.

    People also keep suggesting skill systems. But I don't think acquiring skills as a game mechanic is the way to go in Dayz. It's what you find and what YOU do with it. You can approach problems in the game in a real world way, you can navigate without a compass. And the more you play the better you get. You are developing the skills yourself. Its frustrating enough losing all the gear you've found without losing the ability to do things within the game.

    I also often see a desire for human NPCs. But WE are the survivors :)

    People keep suggesting sanity meters etc. Another thing this game really doesn't need. I don't need my character to shake any more or the screen to blur (happens enough when i'm hurt and cold) , or hallucinations. When the game scares me i'm scared! Probably more so than any other game I've ever played. I've been scared by rabbits, by my own shadow, by bushes, by other players even occasionally by zombies :P Artificially trying to tell me that im scared just isn't necessary.

    THE UGLY (bugs)

    Obviously there are plenty of bugs / issues in the game,

    pistols not holstering,

    losing gear in the sea - FEATURE not bug :)

    Backpacks eating gear.

    Zombies coming through walls / doors. (Coming Soon!)

    Zombies following you literally forever even when you get miles from them. (FIXED)

    Zombies hearing / seeing you through walls (FIXED)

    Player names showing up through buildings etc so you can see where people are on non hardcore mode.

    Bleeding icon out not obvious enough.

    Logging out cheat. (5 second logout timer added then removed for technical reasons, and coming back again soon ?).

    Tents not placeable / nearly impossible but not quite. (FIXED!)

    Tents / vehicles losing stored loot on server restarts. (DEF NOT FIXED!) But id rather this than duplication.

    Swapping guns on floor losing dropped gun.

    Crawling up stairs killing you or breaking your legs.

    HACKING - getting incredibly common. (FIXED apparently! or not....)

    Vehicles biting you. Sometimes when you stand close to one it suddenly hurts you, even breaks your bones.

    Slight slopes and objects making you stand up!

    Rearming at vehicles/ tents can delete your primary weapon!

    Tent pitching can end in many tents appearing.

    Zombies still attacking through walls.

    No storage total display for tents / vehicles.

    Regenerating Ammo! (Fix on the way).

    Temp Duplication! My major gripe atm.

    But this game is in ALPHA if I was developing that game I would be well aware of these problem already and planning to fix them so I'm sure Rocket is.


  15. I just wanted to present a hypothetical situation and get feedback on how it would impact the game.

    Let's Imagine what this game would be like if:

    -Zombie spawn was region-based instead of player-based

    -The region kept a log of all player interaction, such as PvP, bandaging, blood transfusions, trading, looting, etc.

    -The zombie spawn would be proportionate to the region's logged humanity.

    -Zombies would NEVER go away completely (nowhere is completely safe), but would be a less in high-humanity areas.

    -Places prone to high-levels of murdering, stealing, and PVP would be swamped with zombie spawn.

    If you feel like humoring me... let's say this was implemented.

    Things That Will GIVE Humanity To a Region:

    • LARGE GAIN: Giving medical attention to another player. (to always help, or at least do no harm has been the cornerstone of medicine and society)
    • MEDIUM GAIN: Dropping food and drink to the ground that another player consumes. (breaking bread and sharing food with others has culturally always been an indication of civility)
    • SMALL GAIN: Fixing objects/vehicles (tool-making and realizing "the whole is more valuable that the sum of it's parts" is a human concept that gives us strength as a community unit)
    • TINY GAIN: Killing Infected (ridding an area of the infected menace means a benefit to all)

    Things That Will REMOVE Humanity From a Region:

    • LARGE LOSS: Killing another player for any reason (bandit or not; taking the life of another human being will ALWAYS remove humanity)
    • MEDIUM LOSS: Shooting at and wounding players (to do harm to others is to cause suffering, suffering drains humanity)
    • SMALL LOSS: Vehicle and Object destruction (To take something useful, and destroy it goes agaist our ways of survival)
    • TINY LOSS:Looting (although justified by resource scarcity, taking something that isnt yours from a body, or someone's residence is wrong.)

    So, Here we have a system in which players are free to do whatever they want, as they can right now. But now, players' decicions have an actual impact! Currently, we have a static, cold world that offers nothing, no matter what we do. I'm hoping in this system, the world would offer several things:

    It gives objective, feasible consequences to actions. Many folks believe it is our actions that ultimately shapes the world around us. This finally gives us a feature that does exactly that!

    It finally will give players a visible metric to measure the community's level of game-based humanity. No more idle speculation on the forums and complaining about what other players choose to do or not do. We will esily see the work of other players.

    It will finally allow non-civilized areas to spawn infected. In short, If there are other people, there will be possible infected. Cities, farms, wilderness. ANYWHERE.

    Players are demanding a safezone? Let them make a safezone for themselves! Kill the infected, dont be assholes to each other, and eventually, with a little upkeep, maintenance, and player-run policing, you have a *relativaly* low-spawning player colony. (Until a clan of bandits show up, over-take the colony, and throw the area back into hive of lawless infected and criminals.)

    What would happen and what would the effects be to this system? Tell me how all this would pan out?

    I actually like this idea alot... i really hope they expand on this idea and implement it some how into the game.

  16. Relevant source data:


    Please don't make changes to in any way return the damage of weapons back to what it was before the Arma II patch. The weapon damages are just fine as long as they all still 1-shot a zombie/player with a headshot. This game is intended to be challenging and not being able to take down a whole horde of zombies with just your pistol has reinvigorated my, and other people's, fear of firing their weapon in a crowded area.

    Shooting zombies or players in the head was not at all necessary before the patch, now it is much more important to good ammo efficiency and effectiveness. The game has been made more challenging not less. Isn't that, to a reasonable degree, the goal here?

    At the very least, at least don't change the # of shots required to kill zombies. If you must change the values for PvP so be it, but zombies can actually be a threat now.

    I actually like the patch more challenging... but they should un nerf the akm and make it more rare in my opinion.

  17. Inventory atm: 1x2 shells take 1 slot, 4x2 shells take 4 slots, combine them into 1x8 shells and it takes up a single slot... hmm? broken system?

    I think this would be a better system:

    - every item should have volume and weight

    - the backpack should have a volume limit

    - you should move slower with more weight

    - you should also be able to carry another backpack in your hands (instead of a primary weapon), and if you select the secondary weapon then you'll drop that pack on the ground

    Good idea will probally be in the full game.

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