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Thomsen (DayZ)

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About Thomsen (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Thomsen (DayZ)

    DayZ Fallujah

    Hah, that's great. That's exactly what you CAN'T do.
  2. Thomsen (DayZ)

    CSA Recruitment Center (International Clan)

    Dayz Name: 7homsen How long have you played DayZ? For about 2 months. Time Zone: GMT +1 PvP Experience: I have a lot of experience with PvP. I'm not aware of the amount of confirmed kills, but I know its atleast 100+. Favourite Gun/Combo: The M24 with an M4a1 COO SD. I'm not bound to using specific weapons. I'm flexible. Team Experience: I have been in other clans/squads. I'm cooperative and I can do most tasks (though i prefer less the over watch task). I'm good at teamwork and applying tactics. How familiar with the map are you? I'm familiar with the map. I'm familiar with the towns, cities and landmarks. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes.
  3. Thomsen (DayZ)

    Cheated weapon or not ?

    A silenced M4A1 with a grenade launcher?
  4. And now I realise how old this thread is... *Facepalm*.
  5. Hey, I'm willing to join up with you! :) I'm pretty experienced, if that matters. How should i contact you? :P
  6. Thomsen (DayZ)

    Small Group or A Partner

    Yo, I'm willing to join up with you. I'm 17 and I've played the mod for approximately 2 months. I'm pretty experienced and I go by the same principles in game. I'm also well geared up at the moment. Where are you from? I'm from Denmark, I usually play on EU servers, but US servers shouldn't be a problem. Tell me if you're interested. :) Skype: mathiasthomzen
  7. Thomsen (DayZ)

    Looking for some people to play with

    Where are you from? :P
  8. Thomsen (DayZ)

    How to find the 'Global Ban #ID'?

    It doesn't tell me at all. Does this mean that i'm not actually banned and there might be a glitch or something?
  9. I have recently been banned. Atleast I suspect i have because i got the "You were banned" message and every time i try to rejoin a server I get the message "You were kicked". I have at no point cheated by using any hacks of any sort and therefore I want to send an appeal to Battleye support. Though... I wonder where i can find my Global Ban #ID. Is it just my player ID? Thanks
  10. Thomsen (DayZ)

    Character moaning?

    Sure he's not coughing? If that is the case he has a cold, and needs antibiotics. :P
  11. Thomsen (DayZ)

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    That looks great! It gives a better overview.
  12. Thomsen (DayZ)

    Best sidearm?

    I'd definetly say that 1911 beats all other guns. Yeah, It's one shot and getting ammo for it is easy. :)
  13. What timezone are you in? :) Maybe I'll join. I've played the game for a few weeks, so I know how it works. I can play tactically too, and I can probably fill in what ever is needed.
  14. Thomsen (DayZ)

    New Arma 2 Beta Patch.

    Theres a new beta patch for Arma 2. (Build 94876) The last one is Build 94700. Will it affect DayZ if I install the newest beta patch?
  15. Thomsen (DayZ)

    I beat DayZ

    No helicopter, no winning! :D