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Everything posted by biokemisten

  1. Update #2 List of weapons unbanned. MakarovSD Pecheneg /Not added yet/ AKS_74_UN_kobra RPK_74 /Not added yet/ Saiga12K m8_carbineGL G36C_camo
  2. Update #1 The server is back online The server is currently down due to ddos, Update #2 All the vehicles stays in place after restart Working on a vehicle-save fix. Update #3 Decreased amount of AI Bandits. Update #4 Removed ability to bloodbag yourself, collapsed with Base Building 1.2 Update #5 Better full moon. Update #5 Implement ground fog. Update #6 Removed color correction
  3. biokemisten

    Banned for what??? unban please.

  4. biokemisten

    US 303 Dallas: Admin Ban for Teleporting?

    Looks like you got banned by dayz antihax.
  5. biokemisten

    Stolen CD key

  6. biokemisten

    the mysterious creature

    terrifying shots tbh
  7. biokemisten

    Problem with a custom loading screen

    This is a bit of my fragment from description.ext I have a folder called ''pictures'' inside mission.pbo, place your loadingscreen in pictures. i dont know if you have the same as me, but you should try.
  8. biokemisten

    help i keep getting 'battleye failed to update'

    Try update BE client manually...?
  9. IP We're aiming for a hacker free environment, we use daRT and TSW There's two admins controling the server, and the server logs will be checked everyday for suspicious actions. anything that even looks like a hack you will be permanently banned. Any swear words like N-word, Cu*t and Fu*k will result in warning, you have three warnings. This server is not popular, so please leave a feedback. Some info about the server. * Map dayztaviana.com 2.0 * Auto restart every day between 11 AM - 11 PM * Max ping: 350 * Timezone GMT-7 * Vehicle limit: 999 | 210 ingame (Last updated 19/02/2013) * No whitelist YET * Max Players 40 * Hosted in France * Side chat enabled * 3rd Person ON * Crosshair OFF * Waypoints ON * Death Messages ON * Kill Messages ON * Nameplates OFF Optional mods * J.S.R.S (Recomended) http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=11549 Future plans * Base building script - http://www.tunngle.n...ates-much-more/ RULES 1# Duping or other exploiting bugs is not allowed! 2# No hacking/scripting (ammo boxes, teleporting.. you name it) The logs shows everything, how many miles/meters you've traveled in seconds. Dont expect go away w/o a server ban. 3# Combat logging is not allowed! The logs show your stats when you log off and back on. 4# No racist remarks...make common sense Leave the racist remarks and sexual orientation! 5# Don't kill unarmed players... At least give them a chance. http://www.dayzscandinavia.com
  10. biokemisten

    Super zombies?

    Thats how it should be imo
  11. biokemisten

    Please some help with Arma 2 Oa BAF installer

    Ohh i see.
  12. biokemisten


    Really like that video, well made.
  13. biokemisten

    I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay...

    I really like zombie axe.
  14. Look here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvIGXwDdKfY I dont know if you can do that, just email dayz.st once your account is created. Well you definitely need to restart everytime you've updated the building table etc
  15. biokemisten

    Please some help with Arma 2 Oa BAF installer

    Had some problems with that too, this is what i did. 1 install arma 2 2 install arma 2 oa 3 install PMC/BAF and verified game cache then boof, it worked.
  16. Yes, you can change loadouts, insert bases/building through database using ArmA 2 OA Editor and http://dayz.wofjwof.com/map.php Watch this video for tutorial