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Jaime (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jaime (DayZ)

  1. Yeah, those downs are dead. If I didn't know any better I'd think everybody died in some kind of apocalypse.
  2. Hackers always crash choppers. They probably don't even care enough about the game to try and figure out the controls.
  3. The choppers are bugged.Fix all windows, that should do the trick.
  4. Jaime (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    **EDIT** seems I am ten pages late, wasn't aware there were already so many responses. Never mind.
  5. Jaime (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Nobody mislead you. You failed to gather info about an Alpha stage mod (this should've rang some alarm bells) you were about to play. I reckon you can have a swell time playing Arma2: vanilla. By the way, all three examples are based of lack of knowledge and ingame experience, not due to lack of refining. Give the game another go, it can only go uphill for you from this point. I had the same reservations you had when I started. It takes a healthy dose of stubborness to figure this game out.
  6. Fyi, that was a hacker. Admins do not have the power to teleport players. They can only kick and ban.
  7. Jaime (DayZ)

    Alt+f4 - READ THIS

    Yet the body disapearing from the game, when alive or after death, this is ingame related, right? Or is it not possible to differentiate between regular loging out and alt-f4? Then I can understand the difficulty.
  8. Zombies kill on sight too, nobody questions them! >:(
  9. Jaime (DayZ)

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    You mention players leaving the server and you rightfully consider this to be a bad thing. But then you propose to ban everybody on the server. Notice how those statements conflict?
  10. Jaime (DayZ)

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    I think it would make zombies even more trivial. If we go down that road we'll end up with Arma2 vanilla + AI's with odd skin textures.
  11. Bastard is slandering a good name!
  12. Jaime (DayZ)


    By not reading their posts. ;-)
  13. Jaime (DayZ)

    Pitched a tent...

    Are you having trouble putting things in it, like the OP?
  14. Jaime (DayZ)

    Why did the M1911 and Revolver get nerfed?

    Client side, probably related to the new Arma2 update.
  15. That happened to me as well, several times actually. Scared the hell out of me when I was at NW Airfield. Alt-tabbed, checked TS for some grid coords, alt-tab back into the game and ratatatatat, emptied an entire magazine. Had to hightail it out of there to avoid becoming zombie lunch.
  16. Jaime (DayZ)

    Whats the point of getting a M16/M4A1/AKS-7U etc?

    AKM is great. Clear ironsights, zeroing and great stopping power.
  17. Jaime (DayZ)

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Really depends on the situation and the player in question. If the person is geared up then I shoot him. My reasoning being that if someone has acquired much loot he'll be paranoid about protecting it. Call it a pre-emptive strike, because I fully expect that player to attack me. New players I tend to leave alone. Unless they make odd movements etc. Once I killed, well tried to kill, one for fun. Still feel bad about it!
  18. Jaime (DayZ)

    Sidearm review

    I love the M1911, it's accurate, lots of stopping power and ammo is plentyful. I also really like the fact that .45 (revolver) clips can be converted into M1911 mags.
  19. Jaime (DayZ)

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    What's the problem? It's not as if it's hard to die in this game. Just tickle a zombie.
  20. Jaime (DayZ)

    Obsession with Military weapons?

    Slow rate of fire can be a pain in the butt sometimes.
  21. Jaime (DayZ)

    Are millitairy tents supposed to have good gear?

    The tent camp at the coast, near Balotta airfield, West of Cherno? Don't bother with the tents, all the loot is in the guard towers.
  22. Jaime (DayZ)

    Any safe servers?

    Did you save the tent (look at tent, scroll middle mouse wheel) after adding or taking items? Also, there is a maximum of 53 slots inventory slots in a tent, weapons are counted seperately. If your tent is maxed out and you put new items in, the new items will be destroyed. This counts for all secondary inventories like backpacks, car trunks etc, only the maximum amount of slots differs. Alternatively, it could be bugged. Come back to the tent after a server restart, there is a chance your loot might be back.
  23. Jaime (DayZ)

    How Can My Friends And I Play Together From Start?

    You're spot on. But don't be discouraged. Trying to find eachother is fun and an adventure by itself! Also, you'll get a hang of the topography real quick because, since you don't start with a map, need to pay close attention to your surroundings.
  24. You can, sort off. By leaving notes on the map.
  25. Jaime (DayZ)

    whats is your ideal gun setup/gameplay style

    I actually care more about having a compass, map, canteen, matches, hatchet and a hunting knife. I'll make do with just about any weapon except the double barrel shotgun. I hate that weapon with a passion.