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Jaime (DayZ)

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About Jaime (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Jaime (DayZ)

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    How about spawning zombies inside of the barracks, towers and hangars? Granted, they're easily taken care of, but shooting them makes noise and they'll deter hoppers. You're really vulnerable the first couple of seconds you log on. Thoughts?
  2. Jaime (DayZ)

    How butthurt do you get when you die in Dayz? :)

    Nr. 6. Always after a server decides to reset my character to the beach upon loging in. I don't mind dying to zombies or people, that stuff gives me a thrill! Servers acting up really get to me though. Tried to report that issue, but I'm unable to send feedback reports, I can't select my game version in the form. -_- Then I'm pretty much at stage 7.
  3. Jaime (DayZ)

    Ejecting from heli = Death

    I think you need to be around a minimum of 80 feet altitude before it's safe to jump. If you jump from too low a height the parachute doesn't have enough time to slow your descend.
  4. Jaime (DayZ)

    Average life expectancy

    Fake ID's won't stop the Zeds from killing me, buddy.
  5. Jaime (DayZ)

    Rocket does the Croquet

    Now that's actually a pretty funny movie!
  6. Jaime (DayZ)

    Average life expectancy

    Thanks! I was actually genuinely curious.
  7. It's at 1 hour and 5 minutes. What's going on? People should be dying more often. ;)
  8. Jaime (DayZ)

    Instanced building will ruin Dayz...

    I was under the impression bases would be underground. One can't server hop into underground bases, you can only hop from the inside out, but then you risk being buried alive. I would love being able to break into other peoples bases. Perhaps make it impossible to log in and out at a base. Except for in a designated area.
  9. Jaime (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Encountered the following when traveling towards and into Berenzino from the West. Was able to fix with the "shift numpad - flush command."
  10. Jaime (DayZ)

    My 5 kill story.

    Thanks for the write up, well done!
  11. Well, all I really want to see is that underground base stuff Rocket talked about in some of his interviews! I'm already drawing up blueprints in my head. It's going to be awesome!
  12. Thanks for the info! This is fun stuff. :)
  13. Jaime (DayZ)

    Which Graphic Card is best?

    FYI, don't neglect your CPU by focussing on your videocard, DayZ (Arma2) is a very CPU demanding game.
  14. Helcopter insertions via parachute... That's actually pretty cool.
  15. Glitches, bugs, server restarts etc, all these factors I can deal with. I consider them part of the dangerous enviornment. The mod becomes boring fast due to tents and hackers. Both kill the worth of finding loot and your achievements. The first because you'll always have a high end gear stash to fall back on, do you guys feel as terrified of losing gear after your setup? The latter because all your skillfull playing, your hard earned gear you acquired after a daring raid on NWAF, your days spent being alive mean nothing if a hacker nukes a server. I consider this mod a success, though. Can't wait to play the standalone where these problems are ironed out.