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Everything posted by sergeantmoore

  1. sergeantmoore

    GTX 690 25 FPS in Cities..

    All this aside even a 680 can get MUCH better performance then what is mentioned from the thread poster, and yes Arma 2's sli profile is pretty unoptimised, aswell as it's multi-core support.Im going to go with bottleneck of data in between hardware, even though the 690 is pretty much two 680's on a single pcb, i believe in reacts better to that then two seperate cards, just my opinion.
  2. sergeantmoore

    GTX 690 25 FPS in Cities..

    ^ This is spot on correctIf you spent any time reading up on arma 3 development and dabble in some of the devs posts about arma 2 you will come to find out that they dont use super computers to run these games. It just so happens that they use the correct and most optimal hardware configuration "said it like that because most people tend to have poorly optimized setups :(". I love people who brag about there setups having all this nice hardware but the exclude the harddrive like its not important and they wind having a 5400 rpm platter of poo or a generic 7200 rpm. Ive been playing Arma since the old flashpoint games "not the new imitation one's" but that aside my SSD Raid 0 array has been my best friend. So the point being if Arma 3 is in your headlights as a game you'll want to dive into aswell as the DayZ standalone title i would invest in a nice SSD and increase your data feed to your CPU which might be the problem in your case despite the GPU. :) If it just so happens that thats not the problem in your case, as it very well might not be due to so many other possibilities, the SSD advice still stands valuble and is a worthy upgrade. PS. For those who have DAYZ on Ultra/High/what ever you thing sounds macho... Its not the same as having the actual arma 2 game on ultra/high, the base game has ALOT more going on, which in terms boggs down your CPU which therefore limits the data your GPU is rendering, which then in turn results in low GPU usage.... Just one of the many things that casue's that problem.
  3. sergeantmoore

    Things that need fixing pronto

    i laughed at -> A better map (too much useless open space).............. LMAO hmmmm Maby u want this mod for COD or sumthin..... the sum of that equation would = BORING
  4. sergeantmoore

    DayZ on New Maps (When?)

    Prolly when the alpha phase ends and its a real game rofl....... its like ur asking for DLC during a beta 0_0
  5. sergeantmoore

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    im intrested