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About Karneval

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Karneval

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    We tried with 500, ;p its really not that fun. it makes looting and stuff impossible, because its never ending spawns and you can't do much. picture from the start of it.
  2. Karneval

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    will we ever see this heatmap Ander?
  3. Karneval

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This update makes a tester happy it is really stable ^^, love it
  4. Karneval

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Bitchplease you been whining for fking days now. please leave, no one will miss you and your friends.
  5. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    If 1 person knows how to. the hackers sure do as well.
  6. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    Does this look like a wishlist for what to do? lol. Edit: This does look a wishlist for what to do. but it aint.
  7. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    hehe the day i need more then 1 bullet of a 50.cal to kill a player\zed. im outta here:P
  8. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    oh.. thats why i couldnt kill shit with my revolver today hah :P i thought it was lagg. this happend last patch?
  9. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    Qouting myself. the removal of the respawn button will ruin more then it will bring good.
  10. Karneval

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket. Reconsider disabling the respawn button / we need someway to kill ourself.. Problem: #1: There are places you get stuck and really need respawn, sometimes on rocks, in buildnings or even sometimes you spawn inside the wall in novy #2: With the hackers ruining the game. ive today been turned into a goat 2 times. and a few people been turned into cows\sheeps. if we cannot use the respawn button. we are pretty much F***ED. these animals cant run they are really slow. if you got weapons equiped you cannot move at all. so if your in the forest and get turned into a animal.. you can't really go anywhere. and you can't die without the respawn\kill button. Solution instead of removing the respawn button. put a timer on it, like only 1 respawn every 10-20min? this will stop peoples from trying to get better spawns.
  11. Karneval

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    haha i cant turn back :P
  12. Karneval

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    Hahaha so... im unstuck i can move with the Goat! hahaha
  13. Karneval

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    haha i hope not ;D think we found the hacker tho. just hoped he could turn me back:p
  14. Karneval

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    hehe i dont mind its a alpha. i just found it strange :P too bad the hackers are taking over the game tho. it was a really good game.
  15. Karneval

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    Lmao you made my day sir!