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About Arxtix

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  1. Arxtix

    Need A Ride Please.

    Shut up man, I offered stuff in return that the other guy might need, stuff that i'm planning on giving away anyway but just don't have anyone or a good reason to let it go yet. This would have been a perfect reason and besides I only waited like 5 mins before I headed there on my own. I just wanted to see if anyone would respond, guess not...
  2. My friend is out at grid 083 104, and needs water, he is flashing red and at about 1000 blood and periodically passes out, I have all I need to save him. All I need from you is a ride from Elektro to there. I can repay you with ammo, or perhaps a ghillie suit. Thanks
  3. Arxtix

    What happened today.

    Yeah, I don't have an AS50 anymore, he's lost both of them. And I will drop the PDW if I can find a M1911 or Revolver.
  4. So, I found a hacker box with my friend, I won't lie, we took the hacked-in weapons. AS50 TWS, L85A2 AWS and PDW SD. Also took a load of medicals and a Laser Designator (pretty much Rangefinders but they have TWS capability) My friend also took an AS50 and an M4A1 CCO SD HOLO and a M9SD but he picked up regular M9 rounds, rendering the sidearm useless. Now, I'm not a bandit nor do I kill on sight, but my friend really wanted to snipe Elektro, so I went with it. On the way he was trying to switch weapons and accidentally dropped his AS50, and lost it. Now as I said I am not a killer, so I gave him my AS50, and I was just going to spot and range for him. Everything was going alright, had a few bad run ins with some Zeds and it did take us a while to get from NWAF back down to Elektro. We finally got there, and didn't see anybody down there. He insisted on server hopping until we found someone to kill (I'm not proud of it.) We saw one guy on about the 3rd server hop, but he was just a fresh spawn with a flashlight, my friend is bloodthirsty and wanted his first kill, but I talked him out of that kill. Was too easy and shameful for a first kill. We decided we were going to hop one more time, found a server, got into it, but we got glitched, we both spawned at the coast again, we still had our gear, just at the coast again. He spawned at Solnichniy, and I at Elektro. Now for some reason he thought he would take a swim. Once he got back to shore he was devastated, he lost the AS50 (second one in a day without even dying) his backpack, the NVGs and Rangefinders and everything in his primary inventory. Still had his sidearm though, and all his tools. He picked up a double barrel and went sprinting down back to elektro, aggro-ed 15+ zombies and ran into a dead end, and died. I guess you could say he got what he deserved for taking hacked stuff and wanting to prey on bambi's in Elektro. I've still got my gear and have no murders at all, and I think I want to try and become a TMW Medic or maybe a Reddit Rescue Force Ranger. Just wanted to share our story, thanks for reading.
  5. Arxtix

    Need Medical Help

    We've been helped thanks to MikaelM. Thank you, kind sir.
  6. Arxtix

    Need Medical Help

    Leave no man behind, I'm going to do all I can do if I can get him to survive. If death is the only option then I will take it, but until I know for sure, he's not dying on my watch.
  7. Arxtix

    Need Medical Help

    That's for a cold though if the info this link provides about infection is true. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Survival He is steadily losing blood which isn't a symptom of a Cold. And Antibiotics are the only provided cure for infection.
  8. Me and a friend were looting Stary Sobor on a night server and it was raining. We weren't really paying attention to our temperature and we both dropped really low, and my friend has contracted a sickness. If I stay with him too long I will be sick as well. So we need Antibiotics, I know these are rare so I could give you M4A1 CCO SD HOLO with ammo if you would like compensation. Thank you.
  9. Arxtix

    Hero Skin

    I've finally got it :) Got it by helping a random out at the NWAF that turned out to be friendly. I gave him a blood transfusion and he went on his way, leaving me with whatever he didn't need. There are good people out there guys, don't give up hope :>
  10. Can I have a ride, I can give you exact coords, I have Skype, and teamspeak, send me a PM and I'll reply with the info
  11. Arxtix

    Almost had a bike :(

    What? We didn't ALT-F4, by leave, I meant leave the area, we went back down the hill on the other side and headed to Cherno after that...
  12. So, I went into a server with a friend and we were checking Elektro, but turns out someone had a bit of fun with a wire fencing kit and some sandbags, and placed them EVERYWHERE. Luckily we had found toolboxes earlier, so we were taking them down, and getting to their tents and gear. We looted some stuff, nothing too valuable like the plentiful ammo, because at the moment it was of no use to us, we did get away with a few blood bags, some M1911 ammo, and some morphine. Later on we're checking the supermarket, and what do you know, more sandbags and barbed wire. I couldn't remove it so we went around back, and you couldn't get in from that side either, but that was really lucky for us, because as I was messin' around trying to find the "sweet spot" to remove the wire, I see a guy in there looting, he's got what looks like a camo on, and a bandit-like skin. He had some sort of Assault Rifle, I'm not sure which one to be honest. So I yell over our comms, OH, SH*T, guy in here, out, out, out (looking back on this, we could have taken him, but I'm not so much of a KoS guy) so we ran for it, and we come across the fire house. I open the door and to my surprise there's a damn bike right there, so I hop on it, but I feel kind of bad as my friend has to walk on foot and I have a badass bike. So I rode it up the hill a bit and left it there and we got to the top and just watched (at the time all we had was 2 M1911s and hatchets). I see one at the fire house with a Ghille suit and the other with what looked like, from a distance, an M107 or a AS50. Now, we we're at the top of the hill, and the bike was somewhere in the middle, and I'm faced with a few decisions. Take shots with my M1911 from a good 200m away (?) and hope to kill both, which wasn't likely. Go down the hill, hop on the bike, and hope I didn't get sniped by that high powered rifle, or I could just leave. Now, by the time I was ready to make a decision, the one with the sniper had taken point on the roof, and was looking my way. I really didn't want to take the chance, so we left, and it broke my heart to let my newly found (and only DayZ vehicle yet) go. And so we took the trek to Cherno on foot... -Arxtix
  13. Arxtix


    It was at night and I went to the firehouse outside Elektro and I climbed the tower and when i got to the top, my chemlight I was carrying had extinguished, so I went threw another one out and it hit a wall and bounced off. I thought, hey, let's chase after it, and I fell to my death. But wait, it gets better, so I went back there with a fresh spawn to get my gear back, but it seems my body lay almost inside the tower, with only his feet exposed, and I couldn't retrieve my gear.
  14. It's a glitch where dead zombie soldiers and sometimes military tents warp the screen, it's not your fault, I don't think it matters what kind of graphics card you have, I think it's just a problem with the game. I have heard it's getting fixed soon though. Here's a site that tells you possible ways to TRY and fix it, not guarenteed to work, but has helped some people with it, hope it works for you though. Good luck man. http://rawrtacular.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/107/ -Arxtix
  15. You can't see your map because you don't start with a map, you have to find one out in the world, and then, and only then, can you bring up a map in-game. Until then, you have to look at the bottom right corner when you first log in and see what the second line says. That information will tell you your general position, and this website can help you figure out where to check out for loot, and help guide yourself. But always remember to look at that second line when you first log in, it is crucial to knowing where you are if you don't know your way around Chenarus. http://dayzdb.com/map Good luck mate. -Arxtix