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Everything posted by Gordy828

  1. We're always looking for people to play with. Hit me up in pm's if you want to join us.
  2. My friend and I are bandits. We kill everything on site, or we make you think we are your friend before we betray and take your URAL. We are looking for a few more bandits to roll with. We are professionals at stealing vehicles, and stealing choppers is our speciality. We use both skype and teamspeak. Add me on steam if you're interested. Steam = Gordy828. Heres a video of us stealing a chopper. We both are 20+.
  3. New crew looking for some people to roll with. Usually ride 3-4 deep. Check out this short video. We use skype. .
  4. Gordy828

    Fainting on Spawn

    I dont log out to avoid death, and it just started happening to me when I switched servers to play with some friends. It's pretty lame.
  5. I have this same issue. I've been trying to figure it out all night. Infact I have the same exact problem, i've done all the update drivers bull crap, and the "do nothing" sound crap under the control panel.