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About Vraal

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Vraal

    Community Banlist

    Sent them a ticket + a support email, I suppose I'll have to wait out and see what they have to say. Cheers for the reply mate.
  2. Vraal

    Community Banlist

    Righto, 7 hours ago, I purchased Arma II + OA from http://www.gamersgate.com/ (Receipt and date proof: http://postimg.org/image/iu8op5hb3/). I let it download while at work, and installed it with DayZ in the process. However, when I joined an Origins server, I received the following error: Battleye: Admin Ban W4d9b2182 0x0f44d938. After that, I could not join any server whatsoever. Now, I've noticed that this is in the CBL (if I was looking at it right, Feb 2013), and I'm aware that this can be due to CD Key Theft. I am requesting an appeal for this issue. My GUID is 390b77721d4929ac6b28b49382bf6f41 Thank you.
  3. Vraal

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgrNpK25U98 This is how you fly.
  4. Only connected to other Lingor's that are part of the Vilayer Hive.
  5. Mind if I pinch that for my signature?
  6. Vraal

    Australian Exclusion Zone

    UPDATE: This server is to be shut down, effective immediately. My Lingor Island server is going live shortly.
  7. Vraal

    Rampant hackers on HFB servers

    If you've got the evidence, just ban the fuckers. That's what I do, and there's been no complaints at all.
  8. I take it even under Lingor we have limited control over our server, like the Chernarus ones? We can't lock or password them?
  9. Sarcasm is a bit hard to translate through the internet, at least I gave it my best, lol.
  10. Tandwan is the kind of admin that is needed. Beans for you, mate.
  11. Vraal

    Australian Exclusion Zone

    Just applied the script updates to the server, and other updates. Everything should be working well now.
  12. Vraal

    Australian Exclusion Zone

    -Incorrect information-
  13. Wrong section. Is it really so hard to read where each topic goes?
  14. Vraal

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    They're the only type of DayZ videos I upload. Can't STAND the fucking 20 minute videos.