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Everything posted by wigz411

  1. wigz411

    Yep i am done, i quit

    I hate this game so much!! Hang on I love It now Iv got a cool gun :) Damm got shot I hate this game it sucks!!!.................. Omg just found a tent this game rocks!!!!! ETC ETC..........
  2. wigz411


    The admin had some fun with us this morning. This video was a quick put together before work. Hope you like :)
  3. wigz411

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    This made my day :)
  4. Hi all this is my first ever go at making a Dayz video and my first try at editing one. It's a bit rough around the edges but was fun to make. Hope you all like it if not who cares :) Cheers WIGZ411