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Everything posted by saddlesoap

  1. saddlesoap

    I don't understand the bags

    Also the numbers count down eg 8/8 means you have 8 slots left out of a maximum of 8
  2. saddlesoap

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    Hmmm yea I can't help you much more other than that, I have a feeling something is out of date/corrupted or not loading properly but without my PC i cant help you much further thna those basic trouble shootings
  3. saddlesoap

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    When getting that error hit okay its allgood, i get that all the time. Try six launcher may do something to help fix the issue. Beyod that i cann't help to much more as im currently not at my home PC so i can't look over some trouble shooting for you there
  4. saddlesoap

    Destroyer on Balota Airstrip... Wut.

    I would of so tried to drive it on land see where i get!
  5. saddlesoap

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    Have you run the games normally before attemtming to join. Also have you tried using six launcher?
  6. saddlesoap

    Game freezes at Loading screen

    How long have you waited? its quite common to get stuck there for 5ish mins. If it doesn't join try a different server if that doesnt work re install battle eye and check everything is up to date.
  7. saddlesoap

    Need urgent help with my map...

    Because the game uses the Arma2 engine the maps work how they do it that game. IE all markers made by your team are visible to everyone on that team. Due to everyone in dayz being in one arma "team" you can see everyones markers and delete them aswell My advice dont mark the map use grid cords and write those down. TLDR Everyone can write on the map due to it being server wide
  8. saddlesoap

    knocked out on spawn in

    Happened to me once before when I was having to log out quite frequently due to my net playing up. I just died and respanwed and never had the problem again. To my knowldege only way to fix is respawn
  9. saddlesoap

    Where did you find your Ghilie suit?

    In a house along with a set of camo gear
  10. saddlesoap

    Box of matches

    As far as im aware its unlimited ive never run out and made dozens of fires with one box
  11. saddlesoap

    NZ players

    Looking for some buddies to play with on the NZ servers, I normally play early/mid afternoon and mornings sometimes due to working nights. Post up if you got space to let me roll with ya!