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Posts posted by Danus

  1. Chased by "The Crowbar Stalker"

    It all started when i spawned, i was walking to some village to get some gear when i saw 2 dead bodies.

    I checked them but there was nothing on them and i though:"Well maybe they used all theyre stuff".

    as i was walking around i noticed that all the zombies are starting to run away to the other side and i understood that its another human when suddenly i saw him - he was a crazy idiot with a crowbar in his hand. He was rushing at me so i ran away into the village trying to lose him it worked but luckly i never saw him again!

  2. They removed everything because its realistic -

    When i started playing i litrally died every half hour till i started understanding how to play and using tactics - the idea of removing everything - is basicly making the game not a fucking midless shooting game but a game that is 100% tactics and survival, after a while players learn how to play without anything and that is realistic and awesome.
