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Everything posted by cragzeek

  1. The main player base doesn't care about making this as close to "real life" as possible and certainly neither does rocket. He focuses on feel and works mechanics around that. This isn't sims. To make this game feel desperate and intense we have punishing firefights and bandits who KoS.
  2. cragzeek

    Ban some bandits.

    Today I tried being nice. Dude shot me in the head. I remembered why I KoS for gear or not.
  3. Me and my friend are always making zombie growls. Also when I first started playing I'd go for walks late at night and I was noticeably apprehensive of buildings, corners, hiding spots. I kept scanning.
  4. cragzeek

    Time for a beer

    This post primarily made me want a beer.
  5. cragzeek

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Its fun, I don't think anyone takes it as seriously as playing on Chernarus, its a bit more of a deathmatch and there are a lot of bugs and server issues. But it keeps me playing day z while I'm bored of chernarus.
  6. cragzeek

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Private map, private hive. Go look up a youtube tutorial if you want to play it.
  7. As I've said all over these forums, most of us would just shit ourselves and die. In-fact...I think all of us would.
  8. cragzeek

    Tent Item Slots

    So whats the official deal? I know there are three types, gun/ tool, regular, and bags, right? So if this is the case, how many of each? The Day Z wiki (unless I'm blind) doesn't give a full breakdown. Thankyou for the help. -Cragzeek.
  9. Lingor is not overly suited to day z, but it is keeping me interested while the many kinks get worked out.
  10. cragzeek

    Why do YOU Kill On Sight?

    Its complicated. Really it is. It depends if I'm alone, if I'm in a group, if they appear to be a threat, how geared they are, what I may or may not need, how I feel, how aggressive they appear to be playing.
  11. For me they are insanely easy. The fact that I can run around town all day kiting them absolutely destroys immersion.
  12. Seriously, listen to what was said above. I play every night for probably 3-4 hours and I never ever encounter hackers. Once. Once in two months of solid playing most nights. Why? I go on low pop servers.
  13. cragzeek

    What a h**king joke...

    I feel like we could boil this entire thread down to people banging pots and pans and yelling. Or maybe that is just the internet. Holy shit. I'm going to go outside. Haven't said that in a while. Maybe you've cured me.
  14. cragzeek

    How Long Do You Scout?

    I like this topic, I've had this question in mind for a while. It seems that my group only scouts for twenty seconds or so. I feel like once you've checked all the spots you could check, like it has been said earlier, the only real concern is arrivals. I'd always rather spot someone than hear nothing. Its the silence that is dangerous.
  15. cragzeek

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    There are a few, always full. Its unfortunate but it isn't part of the hive and it isn't "legit" in the sense that it is private. So we can't really complain at scarcity.
  16. cragzeek

    Jerry Can + Matches = ....

    The problem I see with that is that trolls will just burn down cities. Really, it'll happen. Constantly.
  17. cragzeek

    Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ

    My friend and I both got on a ladder at the same time. We both fall off it to our deaths.
  18. cragzeek

    Can't beat them, join them

    RAWR IM MAD .... I just wanted to feel involved.
  19. cragzeek

    AKS 74 Kobra

    Well, I should start kicking myself for passing one up last night then.
  20. cragzeek

    Why are people playing this?

    Hm, with your attitude you should know that we are all more inclined to troll you than to help you. Why not come on here and ask for some advice? I never would've made it past a few days of playing if I didn't come here and ask for advice, continuously look up tutorials, and aggressively try to figure this game out. Its a sandbox game. That means the onus will be on you to make your own quest, to figure out how to do things for yourself, and to deliver the fun. If you can't then this really isn't the game for you.
  21. cragzeek

    I don't know where to begin

    This is going to break immersion for you, but it usually gets me gear in about an hour to two hours. Hit respawn till you get churno or elektro. Run through the town and hit all the high target locations. Do not pay any attention to zeds. Only enter buildings with two exits, this will be a problem at the firestation so that will either require stealthiness, kiting, or you to be an exploiter (which I won't support here). The zombies can't hit you while you are sprinting so just keep sprinting around through buildings. Also you can LoS em pretty good around buildings and through arch-ways. Use this map: http://dayzdb.com/map. Voila.
  22. cragzeek

    AKS 74 Kobra

    I've always wondered about the Kobra. I love my akm and its so powerful, I'm having trouble trading it for a weaker weapon...even if that weapon does have awesome sights.
  23. cragzeek

    Am I missing something?

    You don't even need to stealth in this current version. Run right through churno and elektro, kite zeds around and through buildings, use this map:http://dayzdb.com/map to pick your target locations. Hit up firestations, grocery stores, and residential spots and the hospital. You'll have a trail of zeds, but they can't hit you while you are running and they slow to a crawl in buildings. Easy peasy. Now you are kitted up. Head north and make a quest for yourself.
  24. A fantasy. That is extremely obvious.