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About CrazyRhino

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CrazyRhino

    SpiderGaming.org - Got Friendly?

    Nice video, seems like a lot of fun. I will make a jump on your ventrilo later this afternoon. cu there.
  2. CrazyRhino

    DayZ Stories

    After a few weeks playing this game, and getting shot in the big cities by camping sniper. I have my first good stories. As I usually start, I go in the city to look for an axe, some foods and drinks, a secondary when i find one, and some medical supplies. Once i have everything I need, i just ran out and go in the mountain to go to stary sobor and then airfield (was never there, still need not to die before arriving there). I went to the castle in zub, to find some more supplies. Arriving close to the castle, I saw someone. In the first minute I was scared to get shot once again. I ran into the first place in the castle, getting some supplies. I went out and then I see the guy in front of me with a rifle. I had only an axe on me. I told myself "Ok, there is a 90% chance that the guy will shot me....". As I had nothing to lose, I press the "à" key to show that I won't attack him (the movement where you sit down). And for the first time in a few weeks, I got really surprised. The guy didn't shot me, he did the same :-) Then both of us continue our lonely trip. It just too bad that this is not happening more often... How many times did I die in the fire station in electro by a sniper or 1-2 bandits around that site. For all survival, let's continue to help each other. It make the game more enjoyable when you do not get shot every hours ;-)
  3. Hi guys, We are 2 new players (we started 2 weeks ago) looking for a few more people to play together and have more chance to survive with all those bandits around. 2 players is not enough to cover all ground when going into a building, one of us usually died, and sometimes both :@ We have a Ventrilo server up and running to laugh and rage together. The goal of our group will mainly be to survive and progress in the game. Not to transform the game in a fps game like the bandits :dodgy:. edit: we are online mainly more less everyday between 5pm and 12pm (GMT+2). We are looking for people - 16+ and mature - working mic - Having Ventrilo installed on your computer Reply to this thread or pm me, I will give you the ventrilo info in a pm. Have fun playing, CrazyRhino