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About spence0892

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    Jeez I admit having cheat engine open during my own server playing SuperPowers in MY OWN SERVER, and you assume im cheating in Day Z? Lazer, I am not using cheats, also my friends Matty, Jazz, Ad-man, and T-Rock can vouch for me if necessary. They are currently playing in your server Lazer.
  2. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    I wasn't hacking, I had Cheat Engine open, if I am banned I will have to start another ban appeal won't I?
  3. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    I won't be globally banned will I? O.o
  4. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    I got kicked for having cheat engine open. I wasn't using scripts on Day Z I was using scripts on my own server playing SuperPowers.
  5. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    I am not banned, or atleast i don't think i am, I can join other servers, just not US 10. I am trying to request being let back in though. No offence to other server owners here but I like US 10 Chicago due to constant admin scrutiny and server reboots to prevent lag and or any other issues. When banned it explicitly says you were banned correct? I got "you are kicked"
  6. spence0892

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    I had Cheat Engine on at the time, I was in SuperPowers in Chernarus with my friend Matty, who also plays the game. I was spawning myself guns and vehicles, I deleted the scripts and script folder however before changing to Day Z, but like an idiot, I left Cheat Engine up >.>. I am going to have to ask the server admin for US 10 Chicago to help me out specifically lol. Please do not comment calling me a hacker etc. I use it for non offline games so as not to interrupt online integrity and immersion, not to mention BattlEye has a say in it too :P. - spence0892 Thank you for your replies by the way guys, really helpful. If you want to check out me and my friends team(when and if i get back to us 10 chicago) we are a decent team. We recently had to start over due to heavy losses but we are back on track. spence0892 Ad-Man, Matty, Jazz, P-Rock, Camo.
  7. I've been banned for something like cheat # 32 or 34 or 23 or something, It was only one number i only don't remember the number. I don't know if I was banned or kicked, if being kicked does it mean I am banned or what? I've been playing on US 10 Chicago for awhile now with my friends, we just recently all respawned due to three of us dying from a bandit, I had a broken leg so I respawned. Upon re-logging in to the server from the browser list, I got that message, I do not use any cheats # 1 - 99999, my friends (although biased) would vouch for me if asked. If necessary I can ask them to discuss this matter on my behalf. I also recently bought ArmA 2: Combined Operations to start playing Day Z. Perhaps that is the issue? Once again I do not know if i am banned, I can join US 104 Chicago and any other server. Please get back to me with info at any time of convenience to you @ [email protected] . I can answer any questions necessary and provide system details if need be. Thank you for your consideration. - spence0892 PS Please check the attached picture and tell me if this means a ban is in place.