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Posts posted by CarpeDiem

  1. my brother came up with a prett cool idea of having buildings connected via a sewer system. You could access buildings from this area and travel somewhere below the zombies. You would also run into some othe people so it would lead to interesting moments where you see somone elses flashlight and you hide. Another cool things would be more vehicles and have crashed planes in areas. And a big thing more rooms bigger buildings. And mini stories like a crashed truck with some dead soldiers around it and a rifle or 2 with some ammo. That'd be cool to see that before the infection people were living their lives. Finding a shotgun in a country house would make sense or in a farm where loot like that would be common. Also maybe a market or a survivors heaven where you go in unarmed and trade gear for food or medical supplies.

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  2. so what will happen to the arma we have bought???

    i got he arma for the mod :(

    have to buy dayZ again??

    dont worry about it. Its following the minecraft build. When in alpha and beta the game will be cheap maybe 10-15 dollars

    and will go to like 25-30 dollars once released as a fullt game. Dayz will also continue to be patched. Rocket now has a team and they are doing most of the work on the game so rocket can still update the mod dayz with new stuff and fix glitches and such.

  3. you guys wanna know something fucked up? my character froze. and then i got killed after taking down a chopper. i had a bizon wit 6 mags a silenced m9 an as50 with 3 m107 mags and alice pack and a ghilie suit. Played for like 3 weeks straight. Then in one instance all gone. Due to some fucking hacker. Went into cherno and fucked them up. Killed 3 of them and 2 more in a chopper using an ak with 2 mags. didnt matter though. They ported everyone then blew them up and logged off. Also set cherno ablaze.
