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  1. YoZH

    DayZ price

    For EU maybe not
  2. YoZH

    DayZ price

    No-no, I know what I am investing in. But as I understand prices for beta and release versions will be even higher, than I won't buy the game for sure.
  3. YoZH

    DayZ price

    A year ago, when DayZ standalone was told to be released for the first time, Rocket said that first alpha will cost about 10$ and then the price will grow higher. Now, when it was at last released, the price appeared to be 30$. I want to ask next: will the price be reduced after "Early access" phase and before it's growth depending on game upgrades? Or is 30$ is the ever cheapest price for DayZ and it will grow only more expensive every time. P.S. I was really waiting for the game, but now the price bites me a bit.
  4. I always wanted to be able to kill myself with my own weapon. Most games allow to do it with the explosives, but none with a gun or a knife.
  5. :angel: Well maybe not over the head but some way to show you've met this player before and he was friendly/unfriendly to you. But only to you. Cause skin means that a player kills one and everybody see his bandit skin. But it has to be subjectively. He was friendly to you and you don't mind all his murders, he was unfriendly to you and you don't mind all the lives he saved.
  6. Hey! I've just came up with an idea! NOT SKINS! A bar over players head or near him when you look at him from not a long distance, which shows friendliness and works like that: - after the player's (re)birth there's no bar, the value is 0 - while the player is in your sight the bar is growing green max value is 2 (for example) - if he gave you blood the bar grows to max point - value=3 - if the player shoots at you bar falls down and becomes red. I think for unfriendly character we need only one value "-1" You also can manually edit the bar over any player's head. What does this all mean? If you see person for the first time you don't know if he is unfriendly. the more time you spend together the more the indication bar grows. So when you see the player next time you'll know that you met each other and didn't fight. And if you had a fight and stayed alive next time you'll meet the player you'll know that you had a fight last time because the bar will be red. If the group (team) system will be developed it could be integrated in it so you would know who was friendly or unfriendly to your teammates instantly
  7. YoZH

    Side effects of Murdering

    It's a post-apocalypses world. Players have to suffer.
  8. YoZH

    People Are Food Too: A Case for Cannibalism!

    +1 to cannibalism
  9. YoZH


    Spelling right is boring
  10. YoZH

    Group System

    I think disabling friendly-fire is not realistic, but group system will be helpful to distinguish your friends from other players. They have to be marked with some markes. Cause in real life you can know your friend even in different closes from a large distance.
  11. перед тем как мне удалось вчера попасть в игру я перелогинивался 40 минут, я не знаю сколько там перелогинов было, но если бы еще ждать по 15 минут, я бы зашел только к сегодняшнему утру... It took me 3 dozen relogins and 40 minutes to connect to game yesterday. If after every disconnection I would have to wait for 15 minutes, I would be online only today maybe
  12. YoZH

    Spawn near friends

    Yesterday I was crawling for 1,5 an hour cause zombies have broken my legs to meet my friend. And it's 1,5 an hour of crawling more today. I think it is the fetcher of the game, it is realistic.