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Dead Rising

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Everything posted by Dead Rising

  1. Let's be serious, beyond that "ït's an alpha" tagline, Dayz is unplayable. If that guy with an i7 can't play properly, wtf are we supposed to be running, 16 core cpu's or what? Is this the next Crysis? I can run any game on max yet i get 20 fps in this game. The engine is very old and unoptimised. Let's just hope Rocket can make it run better as a standalone, fix the mouse lag issues and clean up the hacking and DC-ing. I've played from day one and the game has potential, unfortunately it is ruined by low fps and the multitude of issues described in this forum.
  2. 20 something fps intel e9300 quad 560ti oc 4gb ram Im uninstalling atm, will wait for proper fps, i cant play a survival game where i cant fking aim.
  3. Dead Rising

    Shit/Piss System

    Best.Idea.Ever. This would add an extra layer of realism to an already real game. Maybe implement some auto pissing/shitting mechanic when we aggro zombies or encounter bandits . You should totally join Rocket as a dev for shit related projects :)
  4. Dead Rising

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    me too, i know that feel bro
  5. Dead Rising

    How to find a Vehicle?

  6. Nice one, its good to see a friendly sniper for once, keep up the good work