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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. Survivors and Bandits! Sprinters and Monkey-Zeds! May i present too you! The (un)Official DayZ: Do's and Dont's Guide! The (un)Official DayZ: Do's and Dont's Guide! In this thread, which will change every few days with new rules (Rules are a must to be a smart survivor), new tips and common sense "Indicators". Updated by myself Sloper. If you think i neglect to mention something, want something added, want to question one of my rules. Go for it. This is a community guide to help new, veteran and the certain Tallahasse (Peoples whos business is kicking ass, and business is a booming) players amongst us. You may know most of them, some may be a surprise or a "never crossed my mind" thing, but hey. Were only human...until we get bit! To sum up DayZ I took a quote of an awesome player called Jrod who quoted Rocket, and added his own "twist" to it, summed it up pretty damn well i think:-
  2. Sloper

    Rarest Weapons?

    Found an M4 CCO (Holo + Light) A PDW (I think it stands for Personal Defence Weapon, but its a freaking Micro-SMG for your sidearm) M24, MP5 SSD, M4 SSD CO (Only Holo)
  3. Sloper

    Day Z Logo

    Okay, i had a go. Hope you dont mind Aaron, i borrowed the text from yours and added a few bits and peices.
  4. Sloper

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    DayZ: Do's and Dont's Update V1.04 Amended: A few grammar errors here and there. Dotted the T's and crossed the I's etc. Added: Links to useful information regarding DayZ.
  5. Sloper

    And now Im dead.

    Wow, no need to get CAPSLOCK, he was giving you friendly advice. Granted, getting sent to Debug was a bitch, its happened to me before. Sat on around 400 Zed-kills, 0 Murders and 5 bandit kills. Had an M24 and m9-DS, NVG's and a GPS. I was livid, every person got ported to "Purgatory" and it became the hunger-games. Everyone running around that barren land-scape taking potshots at anything that moved...So many un-needed deaths. :( I salute those who we lost in The Debug-Wars, and those who continue to be brought there. ;_;7
  6. Sloper

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    DayZ: Do's and Dont's Update V1.03 Amended: Introduction Added: Quotes, more info regarding DayZ and this guide. Thanks to: Jrod for the insightful quotes. Editors Note: In-game i am skinned as a bandit, but it does not mean im bad. When im doing call-outs, please ask questions then shoot. Im having a very hard time getting off the coast without being PK'ed. If it persists? Im going to go all out Rambo on every person i see regardless. Keep on supporting this thread and the mod overall.
  7. Sloper

    Day Z Logo

    Looks awesome. Love the text. Might i make a suggestion? Have a Zombie reaching over the Text in the background. When ive had some sleep (doubtful) il have a whirl on GIMP and (Try) show you what i mean as my skills arent that good, but getting there.
  8. Sloper

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    DO'S AND DONT'S V1.02 UPDATE Amended A few grammatical errors here and there. Added 3 new rules, 17,18 and 19
  9. Sloper

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    DO'S AND DONT'S V1.01 UPDATE Amended Rule 10 with regards to bandits Rule 15 with regards to Crossbows Added Editors note regarding Crossbows
  10. Sloper

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    I agree, it sucks being stereotyped like that. I was leading around two survivors, trying to find medical supplies for one who was bleeding heavily, inviting other survivors to join, when some random bastard says that if he sees the group he'll shoot me for being a "bandit". I got my skin from self defense! i have to disagree with a bit of practice u can get the bow working quite well if i remember correctly it pulls to the left when firing?? Taking into consideration, even at close range Ironsighted with Crossbows, i still missed a stationary Zed kinda gave me a bad start with them. I will amend my thoughts when i use it more. As for the bandits i completly agree. I wrote that in due-haste as i have undergone the transformation to bandit when trying to defend myself. Now people see the white and shoot first, then ask questions. They really need to fix Direct Comms.
  11. Sloper

    Offering Graphics (fo free)

    Sorry, i caught the wrong end of your offer, my mistake. Considering i have no GIMP 2 experience, how did i do?
  12. Sloper

    stuck on loading

    Thank you rocket! huzzah!