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About Ujinty

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Ujinty

    My tent is gone :(

    The server with my campsite on it seems to "forget" to load the tents about once every week or so. Fortunately, it restarts multiple times daily, so it's not too bad.
  2. Ujinty

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Honestly, this group is the best thing in DayZ. People didn't try to trade items before they started up. Their forums are even better than the ones found on this website, and I encourage all to check it out! (Bump)
  3. Ujinty

    Vehicles WONT SAVE!

    Mm. I've lost a van, bus, helicopter (twice,) offroad pickup, atv, motorcycle, and GAZ to this same bug. It is broken on some (most) servers, and you just have to be lucky enough to get a vehicle on a server where they actually save. On a different note, I lost a PBX because the server that had the PBX shut down. :(
  4. Ujinty

    Can a hacker turn on God-mode for you?

    Sounds like you either ran into the worst scripter of all time, or were being trolled. I think it is possible for a scripter to do that, but I'm not positive since I've never looked into it too much. Edit: And I love your signature. Awesome.
  5. Ujinty

    Freeside Trading Co.

    If you've never been to this website, you should check it out! It's pretty awesome.
  6. Yeah, I am sorry about that. I posted here, then was lead to your other thread here by the first response (Searched and didn't find that thread before I posted.) I then posted on the google thing, but wasn't sure about the layout (Never used anything like that before.) Then lastly posted in the other thread on this forum, because I wasn't sure I posted the other thing in the right spot. Also, I have no idea who the server admin is of de 318, or how to find him/her. Any help in that regard would be appreciated. Edit: According to my cousin and friend who are both in this server, just told me that somebody else was just kicked for the same thing. Poor guy. Edit2: Apparently that person shot at them when they were driving. So, not a poor guy. ;)
  7. ..Oh. I may have spelled client incorrectly in my haste. Anyways, my GUID is 8a2b6bbc568a193c13cebbb5d83aeeae
  8. Uh, I'm missing something. If I do that in the lobby, I enter the game when I hit space. If I do it ingame, then I pull out my rangefinders when I hit B. If I do it in chat, nothing special happens.
  9. I was just falsely banned by your software for object access flooding. I posted here--->https://code.google.com/p/dayz-anti-hax/issues/list?q=label:Priority-Medium. And here--->http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78274-banned-from-de-318-object-access-flooding/ Anything you could do to unban me would be great, I was simply running on a street, struggling through texture pop-ins.
  10. Well I was definitely not hacking, just running in the middle of a road. Any ideas how I can get unbanned?
  11. Hello. I was randomly booted off the server whilst running to save my friend who is passing out from blood loss when I got the following error message: "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Banned (DayZ Anti-Hax (Object Access Flooding)))" Now, I have never been banned from a server before, and I can log into other servers. I cannot connect to this server, because I get the same message again. I actually would like to use this server, because my cousin found an old hatchback earlier today. The only thing I can think of that caused this was the texture pop-ins, because I was getting them from the center of Cherno. Normally when I flush they go away, but I was too busy running from zombies to do so. Edit: Sorry about the duplicate tags, accidentally hit back on my mouse (lolwut?) when I was typing them in, and I guess they duplicated.
  12. Buddy of mine just ran up there, it's legit. Sadly, no M4A1 CCO SDs. =(
  13. Update: I spawned on the ground under where I was kicked. Unfortunately, that is the ocean. :(
  14. I would have loved to do that, but I didn't think to take a screenshot. I was much more worried about death. ;)