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Everything posted by schrecksekunde

  1. greetings, as i didnt receive one answer on my offer http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87982-trading-a-brand-new-m14-aim-for-4x200rnd-m249-belt/page__hl__trading i am looking for those clips now on this way. everyone having a 200rnd clip carrying around with him pls contact me, i will trade it for other stuff (pls only reasonable offers !) everyone having 3 of them can get the m14 aim for it, but for sure i wont lower the price more. with the gun is a dmr mag. cheers, schreck skype : schreck.sekunde steam : schrecksekunde
  2. schrecksekunde

    looking for 200rnd m249 belts !!! offering a M14 AIM

    no i dont, sorry...you dont happen to be interested in a m14 aim ? if you happen to have no use for the belts i would really like to get my hands on them....in about 7-8 hours i can ask the people i know if they happen to own some ammo for the m240, if they do i will find a way to get them. i will still try to trade the belts in for the m14, if i hear sthg about the m240 ammo i will contact you ! cheers, schreck
  3. schrecksekunde

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    we DID pong ! :) i had that phillips console where you needed two grown man to pull out the game (but it had a keyboard ! god only knows why but it HAD one !) and then went on to the c64....and looking back i must state that i miss some of those games ....wings for the amiga was great, also wasteland and ultima 5 for the c64... so, someone from europe in this retirement home ? ;)
  4. schrecksekunde

    looking for 200rnd m249 belts !!! offering a M14 AIM

    *push* someone MUST have some belts...a m14 for 3 belts of ammo, i cant believe no one is looking for this gun, if i had the space i´d keep it for sure. c´mon people, look through your stuff and out with those space-wasters ! if someone can only spare one belt i will find something else to trade in....or did they vanish from earths face??? bring out your belts, people ! *ring*
  5. schrecksekunde

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    finally ! i feared with my 34 years i would be the oldest here (or at least one of them) but now i am relieved ;) where are you living ? i am sited in vienna, austria so if you´re american thats a problem.....otherwise just contact me we could form the wheelchair-gang or the rheumatism-crew ;) cheers, schreck
  6. schrecksekunde

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    i absolutely agree. i dont like the whole humanity-stuff and there are some other things i would like changed. but this game - much more than most other games - is the sole creation of rocket, so he has absolutely every right to change it the way he wants and to do with it what he wants. no one of us paid one single buck to him but still many think "i bought arma2 so they have to listen to me" - naaaaaaaaaa, wrong ! if rocket (and the rest of the developers, i have the feeling they are totally forgotten or not mentioned enough) wants to change the game so from tomorrow on the goal is to ride on a pink pony over a rainbow dressed as a drag-queen he is free to do that. when i heard that mainly one guy did all the stuff and design (and brought in the mechanics for dehydration, hunger, sickness and blood[loss] i was really astonished. i didnt hear of a project made by one guy which so many real new and innovative features in my life, and handling the storm on the servers when arma2 was the most-sold game on steam for weeks was a unbelieveable achievment (when i started about 4-5 months ago there were around 200000 people playing, many only sometimes. in some weeks the load at least doubled (i even think more) and i didnt see any breakdowns of the servers nor other problems (well, the servers were flooded with noobs who didnt know anything and were the oppinnion this was the new counterstrike...but thats a thing the players must deal with ;) ) and this is also my opinnion on him finally earning some credits for his efforts and the stand-alone version : i am not sure if i will get it because i fear that they might reduce the difficulty even more and the whole humanity-bullsh|t with bonuses to "nice" players is not a thing i would have wanted in. but its his baby and he can do with it what he wants. the new version will for sure be rid of some bugs and cheating possibilities but it will also made for commercial gamers. but that doesnt lower my respect for his work or his ideas, maybe the chance to work with more budget and a bigger crew makes this mod just the start, i´d really wish for that because most of the gaming industry is nothing but a copy&paste-job pouring out one clone after the other. everyone complaining about this game should be punished by having to program "hello world". the 10 % not failing at this could try to find the right values for the chance of finding some loot or for dehydration by movement and time. and the 0.1% managing that get a one-time-chance for complaining here :)
  7. 1the triggers of the building timers are not activated until someone comes into the areas the first post explains. then it makes things spawn (and also the zeds, they stick on the player who triggered them....so when you travelled through some high-zed areas its wise to log out for a second and log in, so the zeds in the area you were in stop to spawn or - if another player passes there, he "carries" them around) but if no one comes nearby again they dont shuffle items. compared to the load of the items, their amount and the gfx having to be added having a timer or trigger run is nothing. so no need to worry, i couldnt think of a better system (and i never had a problem with a server that had a too high load) cheers, schreck and again : this is NO cheating. someone telling you the range of a gun or its audible range is not cheating, right ? the only thing he does is tell you the numbers and how they affect you. well, this is nothing else. there is a - neither hidden nor encrypted - part of game mechanics and someone tells you how it affects your gameplay. same thing as above.
  8. schrecksekunde

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    like said above it is NOT working. if the attacker does miss you YOU are the one getting the loss of humanity. if you use pellet ammunition you get 5 times the penalty (dont know the exact amount, my "murder" was worth about -3500 humanity)
  9. schrecksekunde

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    thats absolutely NOT true. i shot a guy in selfdefense with a shotgun and pellets (all i had) after he missed me several times. i didnt miss. the pellets each count as a seperate shot so by killing ONE guy my humanity dropped to -3500 with the first "murder" i performed (nevermind it was no murder). a guy who sniped players for weeks from one of the city roofs on the other hand can heal or help his fellow killers (and make them able to kill more "innocent" people) and *bang* he´s a hero ! if this is ok and looks like a reliable rating representing the danger a player is i wait for the people wheeping here because a hero killed them. oh man, will i laugh :) no one is innocent. if he runs let him run. if he tries to be clever tell him he is not.
  10. schrecksekunde

    Finally got the Hero Skin

    i think humanity is a total joke in this game. i am now a bandit because when a guy attacked me with an ak47 i had the chance to blow out his brains with my rotten double barrel and pellets. if he would have had the skill to hit me it would be ok but he missed me, i didnt. so now I am a murderer and he .... well, he is just mr niceguy he was before. it would be a great move to get rid of humanity as it is or to improve it so it also works in situations like mine. not that i dont like my new look (i love it, finally rid of the baseball-fan-look :D ), its only unfair. every bandit can run around with a friend, heal, bandage or give them a quick bloody mary and they are heroes in half an hour. from this point of view i would be more affraid of hero-players than of bandit skin guys....fear the ones looking dangerous but fear the ones seeming harmless even more ;) nevermind, i would shoot them both if coming too close. the bandit for being what he is and the hero for disguising it.
  11. schrecksekunde

    I thought I had AIDS...

    and, just so you know, hiv and aids are NOT distributed by "talking a walk with friends". i dont want to know what you freaks did in the woods ;) or maybe it was gods wrath for shooting innocents (but i think that was his most believing followers do at a daily basis so he should be used to it). if this happens to continue get everything ready to sacrifice your first-born (if none is available maybe the neighbours child does the job. or just make a first born - but remember, no "walking around" with your friends this time, even if you dont like it you WILL need a female in your "group" *lol* ) cheers, good luck and think of protection next time....the zeds are already a big problem, we dont need you virus-ridden perverts waiting for us in the woods *veg* schreck
  12. schrecksekunde

    What is the worth of an AKM?

    i have to correct myself : it seems to be worth enough to shoot someone who is shouting "friendly!" without even a warning shot. at least thats what happened to me 2 minutes ago.
  13. schrecksekunde

    looking for 200rnd m249 belts !!! offering a M14 AIM

    would be great, thanks for the help ! as i said, the m14 was looted from a helispot and comes with a dmr clip, so its ready for action ;) i was also looking for it for a long time and gave it a try soon after i found it....holy shlt, that gun sounds like hell (with small audible range) , kills with one shot and -as far as i know- the zeroing is nearly not existant, the point you aim for gets to know gods anger ;) i hope i hear from you, schreck
  14. schrecksekunde

    What is the worth of an AKM?

    i am trying to trade a m14 aim for 3-4 clips but no chance by now (the m14 is a M rated gun and unf*ckingbelievable in combat). so i think the value is about zero (or near it), its a gun i run into about 3-4 times a week and in most cases leave it where it is because the clips are not that easy to find.....duping ruined the market, sorry :(
  15. i am trading a m14 aim (not duped, heroically found and rescued from me out of the fangs of a heli spot for 4x200rnd m249 belts ! 1 dmr clip is included, trade location will be fixed by both sides (but i will for sure not walk into elektro ;) ) the m14 AIM - delivering one hit kills for 500 meters since 1945 - cause the AIM is in the NAIM ! contact me : skype = schreck.sekunde steam = schrecksekunde
  16. schrecksekunde

    trading a brand new m14 AIM for 4x200rnd m249 belt !

    so no one wanting a m14 aim anymore ??? i _dreamed_ of that gun for weeks cause i saw what an impact it has but it seems duping has ruined any form of trade :( ok, lowering the price : 3 clips 200rnd m249 for the m14. the clips have to be FULL ! contact is posted above, schreck
  17. schrecksekunde

    Looking for 18+(age) players.

    i am from central europe (vienna) and about twice 18 ;) always nice to find new teams, contact me : schreck.sekunde at skype, schrecksekunde at steam cheers, schreck ´cause sinners are winners !
  18. schrecksekunde

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    i found my first m249 and m14 aim yesterday and was happy as f*ck but when i looked at the "traders" telling players they are selling 10 (!) m4 silenced (i had one ONCE, how could someone possibly get 10 of them and "sell" them ??? some even offer "survival packages") i just lost all the joy i felt when i found "my" first real nice stuff. cause it lost all that made it special. so yes, wipe the shit and put some sort of "watermarks" on the items so everytime a pair of one mark shows up BOTH players just get a nice "sorry you are banned"-message. thats not just for maybe a hand full of people BUT everyone who made it to get such stuff ON HIS OWN can do that again ! and no "second chance" and no "warning shots". because their refusal to play fair ruins a game for a huge community. sure there will be people duping again but MANY will be too afraid of losing their bucks they spent on the key .. so you hit the cheating f*ckers where it hurts, at their clients who will no longer "buy" stuff ! i dont think someone will blame the people doing it for the game being to hard. but they will if the game stays THAT easy !
  19. reverse engineering is imho not cheating, he just explains how mechanics in the game work (which was no big secret to some of the players but many just didnt understand the sense of it all - or why they could enter a totally empty house with no zeds around and within 30 seconds there are 50 coming after you...well, if the stuff would spawn when no one is around the lag and server load would grow heavy in some minutes to a level making the game unplayable)....thats one part of the success of linux (and the worst thing about windows). this way people able to read code and think in code can find errors and report them so they get fixed (or they can exploit that, but when you take a look at what happens with linux - there was still no virus in the wild that could affect more than a hand full of servers- it shows that about 99% are reported....and the few exploited can easily be targeted by _everyone_ to be fixed) still some things still dont make sense to me : for example rog - it is the first place i go when spawning in the east so i have a map, a compass, at least a pistol and/or a lee. but it is for sure not a place where players are running in and out. in 90% of the cases it takes me about 5 minutes to have 3 spawn refresh happening, the only thing necessary is to run to the entrance hall or the 10 meters across the field to the other tower and check that out and run back....most times a new spawn has happened which can be accelerated by taking all stuff up and dropping it outside of the tower. the rest is absolutely what i saw in the game, many people always keep telling there is no loot in the northern cities and towns but by triggering the mechanism by a quick run in - run out you find a totally full spawned building or area. and also the increase seems to make sense, i realized in some situations that when a place is looted quite regular the loot gets "better" (which means that stuff more rare will spawn after some times a house was looted).
  20. schrecksekunde

    Looking for an extra teammember [mic-only]

    skype : schreck.sekunde steam : schrecksekunde mail : [email protected] playing dayz for about 7 or 8 months by now, 34 years old and living in vienna/austria (oh, and YES, i have a mic!) . might be not the best player around but i know the map, how to survive and how to kick ass (if needed) ;) cheers, schreck/chris
  21. hello fellow survivors, as some may have noticed i wanted to form a trading group or guild some months ago, then got shot and also had a hd crash so i was off for some time. well, i am back in business : atm i have about 10 cans of food, 10 cans of drinks (all sorts), painkillers and 15 rnd 1866 slugs for sale, if other stuff is wanted just contact me and i will try to find it ! (skype schreck.sekunde , steam : schrecksekunde, ingame : schreck) - the 20 pieces of meat and the 2 tents were "lost" when i tried to organize my stuff in the bagpack :-/ just tell me what you want or are looking for and what you would be able to trade for it ! at the moment i am totally at the beginnings but i hope i can coop with one of the trader groups and learn from them :) as said in the other thread i am also looking for a coop partner (with some experience !!!) , i am living in vienna, austria so pls only contact me in that behalf if you also live in europe and if you are able to play on german servers with an acceptable ping, language can be english or german ! cheers, schreck
  22. i also realized that it has become MUCH more easy to get to such stuff, maybe someone out there needs it anyways....look, i am atm trying to get in contact with some other traders or "organizers" but right now i am totally alone and on myself. i know its not ultra-rare stuff i am trying to get out here but its a start. as mentioned above : if you WANT something TELL me, i will try to get it if possible. cheers, schreck (who still is desperately looking for a box of matches o_o)
  23. hi all, i am playing the game now for about half a year and kept to the survival side more than to the "shoot everyone who comes in sight and loot" that was like a virus when i started...but the last months my "partner" stopped playing and so i am looking for at least one new player to coop with. i live in vienna, austria and am 34 years old, so i would prefer a player _near_ my age (must not be an old fart like me but should have hit the 20s *g*) who a) knows the game AND how to use google or a search. i am really a non-violent person but the next player who is making me sick because he is not able to find sthg that takes normally 2 minutes to find will get shot. in real ;) B) is more interested in survival than in camping cities and would maybe also like to raise a trading group/guild c) is situated in europe and has an acceptable ping d) is not a maniac mass murderer i am not the best player in the world but i know where to find most stuff, how to use it and how to survive. i also have traveled a BIG part of the map, so if someone´s interested in forming a team contact me : schrecksekunde in steam / schreck.sekunde in skype cheers, schreck/chris
  24. schrecksekunde

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    in a week or too i am the top user of this thread o_o am stuck at elektro, got bloodbags but cant apply them (am at 5000) and would need some help...can pay in ammo or other stuff (also a blood bag if wanted) steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/schrecksekunde thx again....in advance...oh and if someone could spare a weapon like better than lee that would help me a lot with getting my trade service on feet...just in case... thx
  25. well hello to all, i had that situation often, you got a gun, find a better one but its ammo is rare and only 2 clips with it...that sucks. or your in desperate need of a map or compass because they seem to be on spawning-strike. try finding a friend 50 m away... so, i think i will get shot by doing this projekt but i want to give it a try : an ORDER SERVICE ! so you need stuff ? well, i am something like a scavenger, i find it funny to make plans on how to loot sthg and i am often sad because the loot is really nice (rare mags, any food, bandages to other med) because i had no space and i used an other weapon....damned..so i thought about it....atm everybody shoots each other...and getting supplied is often a thing of being lucky and sometimes cooperation (but nearly impossible now)...what i offer is that people can contact me on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/schrecksekunde) and all 30 mins or so when i am playing i will post what i found, interesting things and rare stuff.. I AM SEATED IN AUSTRIA so i can hardly play on US-servers, i think i can deliver sthg but it might take long, lag an stuff...whole EU is fine. the rules :1) i take a special bonus on the good. this bonus will be fixed before and depends on rarity, number, if i just got shot and looted, and it also depends (possibly) on my mood *g*. it will be fair and - if possible in form of a trade of stuff. so i also will write what i need. so easy trades can be done...maybe i evolve it farther so i can really like update a db.... 2) i will tell you the server, the location area will be told to you (we just look if and what point is possible) and when i go to you i will be armed (akm sighted with full auto and a full auto pistol.) and you go prone. i walk at you from behind, put the stuff in and take my share (IN BEFORE), then i leave fast. i will carry frag grenades too so if i get shot at i will blow myself up. i will never attack someone, if so : i get torn apart here, feel free to post. 3) if in real trouble and need to get out of somewhere or are out of ammo you tell me where you are and if i (and maybe some others) see a possibility i might give it a try. and if someone just is in need of food or water and i got some left - i will also try to post the area i am in, so if i am near you add in steam and tell. i dont am afraid of dying, only of my ammo running out :) 4 ) i am not ingame all time and i cant play all day. also items might be hard to find atm, when i say "if i see some i tell you!" take this as given, dayz runs much better without steam o_o 5) and MOST IMPORTANT : i am just trying if this could work....and if there would be the possibility of sthg like the "gun runners" in dayz. i know i will get betrayed and killed. but they might too. and i hope this could maybe be something a bit like the need medical assistance, a small safe trade spot. atm i am at alektro, will post stuff soon ! ps write what you think about it pps : WILL BUY FRAG GRENADES ! :DD