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Balrog (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Balrog (DayZ)

  1. Balrog (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Edit: i'm fine,never mind.
  2. Balrog (DayZ)

    DayZ fans in a nutshell

    made me lol, beans for you.
  3. I hope you know you're wrong... should i link to the wiki article?
  4. I've got my hands on 6 packs of antibiotics recently. I wanna trade them for some decent-good gear. PM me if you wanna trade.
  5. Balrog (DayZ)

    Trading: 6 packs of antibiotics

    hmmh. i heard antibiotics are worth trading.. M'oh well,guess i'll give them to some white list medic.
  6. cant tell if trolling...
  7. Balrog (DayZ)

    Close calls and idiots?

    Me and a friend are going through NWAF. We're about to go the the barrack on south west side of the NWAF, we're pretty in the open,running across the runways. We're both having pretty bad graphical glitches,but we overlook them since the loot is good and there aren't many players on the server. Suddenly,i hear a crack of a gunshot from a decent distance away. I yell "Prone,prone,we're being shot at!" we both prone and start rolling like a bunch of potatoes. I figure out the shooting is coming from the ATC tower,but i cant aim at it because the graphical glitches envelope it in a protective layer of retard. so i wait untill he lets off another shot,since it sounds like an M24. When he does, I get up, and start zig zagging into the woods. He lets off a couple shots that tell me that i was wrong and that he's shooting a DMR. But whatever. We're already in the woods, raiding his campz. We took whatever we wanted and split. I didnt know you can be THAT BAD with a semi auto sniper.. Honestly...
  8. Balrog (DayZ)

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Here, some of my opinions are implemented directly into the quote. GLHF reading.
  9. Balrog (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Alright,so i spawn... I'm not really new to the game,and i know that i'm near Elektro. Its a pretty dark night. I go to the regular spot where i check out the fire depot near the outskirts of elektro. i go in,find an AK74 with one mag, continue onward. as i enter the general store, i hear distant shots. I immediately switch to Direct Comms in hope of me being able to communicate with the guy later on. I finish raiding the store,go into the Hostel. While in the hostel, I hear footsteps. over direct comms, I say: "Hey buddy... Dont be stupid here... You dont want to shoot me,you'll jsut alert the twenty-something zombies around this place.. Just be cool, i'm friendly, I wont shoot. Be reasonable,you know you don't wanna shoot." As i exit the hostel, i see a guy in front of me. i repeat: "Be reasonable,we can just walk away now,no harm done." And so we both went our seperate ways. this is the day i found out i can be a diplomat. Story #2: Me and the luckiest friend i ever had are over skype. We talk, we have some laughs, when he tells me "Oh shit,i'm bleeding! Oh shit,i fainted!" we both panic a bit, since he has an AS50 on him and an L82A2 he has saved up for me. at this point,i'm near stary sobor. the server's a veteran empty server (Nobody goes on veteran DE servers). He gets up, patches himself up. He tells me dreadful news. He's SOMEWHERE near Devil's castle with 1.3K blood. i freak out. cant let my buddy die. not after his 8 crashed helicopter raiding streak. I start panicing a bit. i tell him not to move a muscle,lest he cut himself on a badly placed branch. i start running, all the way trying to calm MYSELF down. "Dont worry man, he wont die,i'm running his way now,we'll meet up,all will be well". i reach Grishino. I'm freaking out,i know i need to find him. i start walking in the direction i THINK is devil's castle. i turn out to be dead wrong. i'm now circling the woods,i have no fucking clue where i am. He throws a flare to try and draw my attention. I dont see a flare,but i AM tripping balls. all the trees seem to be illuminated by a red light now. i start running towards grishino,since i spot its chapel. he tells me to start going up the hill. i do that,and while doing it,find a tractor with some ammo on it. great stuff. I get to devils castle and order him to drop another flare in the direction of devils castle. I suddenly see a bright red light. a brilliant,red light. the light of salvation! we meet up, i patch him up with a blood pack, we trade weapons (my FN FAL with 7-8 mags for his L86A2 with 6 Mags.). it was the best feeling in the world. i've never been this stressed before.