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Everything posted by SF-501

  1. Because Arma2 has a terrible context menu system that is totally realistic and immersive, the only way I could get the repair fuel tank option to show up on the Ural that I had found and painstakingly shuttled parts to while dodging zombies and surviving bandit attacks was to crawl directly underneath the vehicle. Not remembering that this would cause the vehicle to jump in a fit of joy, as all vehicles do when they are repaired, it lead to my death as 16 tons of soviet truck slammed down on my character with a joyful squeak from the suspension. So much for my M107, Bizon SD, NVGs, M136, and whatever else I had in the truck/on my body. Glitchy physics, terrible AI (the zombies are pathetic), plus rampant hacking means I'm done with this mod for the foreseeable future. Pretty much the same reasons I stopped playing Arma 2 also, now that I think about it. (I've actually had an A-10 destroyed by its own missile clipping into the wing immediately as it launched). Inb4 'its alpha' 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' and other cliche condescending comments. These are the same issues that prevent vanilla ARMA 2 from becoming a more widely played game. Glitchy physics, AI that flips between retarded and godlike (try ordering a squadron of tanks to do anything and watch the hilarity that ensues, or watch militia always hit the barrel of your tank with RPGs), and hackers. Its too bad because I really like the concept of this game.. ARMA 2 is just not a good platform to run it on.
  2. Hi, I found a Ural but I can't seem to bring up the 'save vehicle' option in the scroll menu. I saw it flicker once but wasn't able to click it before it vanished... I think it has to do with where you are standing but I'm not sure, any ideas?