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About shakes53

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. will dayz crew be able to track players that have been playing in the alpha stages and maybe award these play ers?
  2. shakes53

    [Solved] unable to join games! help!

    please put this in format, read the important threads in the troubleshooting section
  3. shakes53

    Spawning in hills????

    shit son you don't know anything... look at the guide then we will freaking help http://kodabar.blogspot.dk/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html
  4. shakes53

    KICKED FROM SERVER-filled out

    okay, so i'm a noob 1. get on six updater and choose install or update mods and process bi-keys 2. then search up @Dayz in mods section of "install or updatemods and process bi-keys" 3. right click>updater actions> install or updatemods and process bi keys? ------------ oh and also I realized my arrowhead was outdated, after installing it it was downloading updates of some sort, I guess it didn't do all of them A2 Op. Arrowhead (Combined Ops) new one is version 1.6
  5. OKAY, OKAY I didn't read the important threads first, hopefully you will help us. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: steam ARMAII FREE + gamestop OPERATION ARROWHEAD so basically mixed. *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: yes I am, I ran the exe but it said the program didn't install correctly. I installed using recommended settings then it was fine(I think). ARMA2_OA_Build_94444 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: I use SIXUPDATER *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: 1) I verify game using six they it's all good, join a server then get kicked to the menu. 2) I try manually joining and while kicking me out the server it says: "...are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server remove the listed files or install additional accepted keys" the top right of my game says: ArmaII free beta expansion @DayZ *Your PC specs: intel i5 2300 6gb RAM GTX 550 ti 1tb harddrive *Your Operating System: windows 7 home premium *Have you looked at these threads?: yes, I've seen many with this problem, but someone out there isn't replying xD:P
  6. shakes53

    Kicked from server

    YES! same here pietime you are not alone, no one seems to know the solution. I used ARMAII FREE+ OPERATION:ARROWHEAD (GAMESTOP/PAID) and the same happens... my game says ArmaII free beta expansion @DayZ someone please help! rofl I know you are reading this I did all the steps here: http://kodabar.blogspot.dk/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html except I didn't do the shortcuts, just used six
  7. shakes53

    Kicked from server

    I followed this guide: http://kodabar.blogspot.dk/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html I did everything else but make shortcuts and just used six launcher to join a server. I verified my game and all is well. when I click join in six launcher it tells me "No entry 'bin\config.bin\CfgVehicles\'" they say to ignore that and I click continue and it send me to the menu. then I try to join a server manually and it tells me "kicked from the server" ^ "...are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server remove the listed files or install additional accepted keys" i'm using arma II free and a valid bought operation arrowhead key/game from gamestop and it says at menu top right ArmaII free beta expansion @DayZ please help me resolve this problem
  8. shakes53

    Game info

    @DareDiver I currently have a game stop 30 dollar giftcard, i'd be a shame if I didn't use it.
  9. shakes53

    Game info

    I want to play Dayz. I heard earlier that you only need arma2 demo and operation arrowhead. 1. they say the textures look horrible with the arma 2 demo, do they really? 2. I will be buying operation arrowhead using game stop online and download it there, will the dayz mod still work if it isn't on steam? 3. I'll be running it using i5 2300 2.8ghz 6gb ram gtx 550 ti asus ^earlier a guy said he gets horrible framerates playing Dayz, what do you guys think will happen to my rig? atleast 30 fps?? thanks