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Everything posted by Profaith

  1. The worst thing i have ever done... Well..this one time outside of elektro, i saw a sniper, i only had a hatchet so i snuck up on him and broke his legs, bandaged him, took his morphine out of his pack, all while he is K.O, then took out my roadflare and threw em around him, gathered some zombies and dragged them over him, lets say i watched a buffet :)
  2. Giving your blood makes you NEVER EVER EVER "Need" to be with someone, so therefor, if someone asks for u to help em with blood...ITS A TRAP! Blood bags are the only real thing to trade in this game, please leave it be so :(
  3. You realize with it taking two slots, snipers would only have room for 10 to 15 shots at max on them before they are required to open up backpack...what happens if a group of people pull up and you need to give support..."Sorry guys gotta open up backpack and pull out more ammo", its a good idea to nerf the campers, but it has a huge unintended consequence on people who actually know how to play the game...
  4. Profaith

    This game is ruined by cheaters

    You're kidding me right? Thats one funny joke...haha? If your not though, you realize that rocket has no control over bans, all of you guys saying "ROCKET NEEDS TO BAN DUH HAXORS!" Go cry to battle eye, Arma2 requires DayZ To use it so QQ to them...
  5. Age: 16 Country of Residence: USA How long you've been playing: 3 weeks Favorite Weapon/Role: Any, proficient with snipers, shotguns, or Automatic guns, dont really care what role eithor, i have been medic before, but i have been solo sniping now Steam and Skype: Dont use steam ever, (Since you have a TS3) And i cant run skype usually :(
  6. Hey! Im looking to join, trying to find a good group of people to mesh with, so far, im an excellent dirt bike driver, and a pretty good shot, Hoping for eithor Combat Medic or Assault, however any role would be just as cool! Im also proficient with getting parts so i can help with that!
  7. So! First of all, I know this is alpha, and that the "Its alpha" excuse is the answer to some of the problems, but i believe that these should be why Hive should be taken down by standalone! 1. Ghosting- This completly gets rid of ghosting, nuff said... 2. Alt-F4ing- People cant just server hop, they have to atleast not play the game untill they feel safe, or you can just camp them :) 3. Less killing overall- And by this i meen, people are less likely to engage in mindless electro snipings or camp the coast, just because of the fact that they cant just server hop. 4. Gear A- People become more attached to their gear simply because they know they cant alt f4 out or server hop to find new loot. B- People will be more inclined to join groups for sheer safety in numbers, however this wont affect lone-wolf as much because larger groups cant just go server hopping... 5. The Community! A- People will quickly realize, KOS will only get you so far, and will outreach to try and find people to play... B- People could actually make clan bases, without being ghosted into them... So, another thing, if you look at Minecraft, as its probably the closest resemblence to DayZ on how its being marketed (Word of mouth, Released alpha) People dont complain when they die, or join a new server, they just restart, however that has been impleted since MC Came out, i feel that this Hive structure wont necessarily destroy DayZ, it just fixes a ton of key issues, and would build a better community, I saw one quote from Rocket where he says we have the ability to change what the state of the game is, and he will not add any mechanics to favor one side, this gives the ability to change it, it doesnt favor one side, as there will still be bandits, its just people cant exploit, and glitch their way into this KoS We call DayZ, however much i love this game, and play it WAY TO much, i feel like these will help the game immensly Also, im stating some of the current downsides to not having a hive... 1. Admins - Can ban you whenever and you lose your stuff, *However, it is not that hard, and if you're so far along in the game, its probably time for a restart anyways, or the server would fail anyways* 2. Server Shutdown- Lose stuff... All i can really think of right now, Please leave comments / suggestions below so i can add or subtract from this list :) Thanks guy! P.S, Made this thread last night appearantly, dont even remember making it >.> so sorry for any grammar fails or other weird things...
  8. Profaith

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    So, what you people are saying, is that if you play on a nighttime server and you dont have one(l85) you insta-lose OMFGWTFBBQSAUCE TAKE OUT NVG THEY R SO OP RRAAAAAAAAG!! Oh, while at it...AS50 WTF! They one shot you! Unfair since you cant even fight back!
  9. Profaith

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    Hey! Just got your skype request, hope to play with you all soon :D
  10. Profaith

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    Hey! Looking to join :D Skype ian_mh Hope to join u all soon!
  11. It woudlnt be just you PW Protecting, its everyone, and that would cause even more problems as the game becomes single-player >.>
  12. Hey! I would be down for any of the roles, i can get gear pretty quickly *Just died before i had to leave and i wont be able to get back on untill wensday >.>* I probably would be best at scout role or just general support, Skype - Ian_mh *Wont be able to check that untill wednesday sadly* Hope to see you all around :D Oh, also i am Pacific timezone, hope that helps :D
  13. I have the same exact problem, except my comp is pretty bad, however, i hardly lag in between freezes, i had asked others before, friends and on a post, but pretty much was told close six or buy new comp >.> Closing six worked once for me, out of the 15+ times i've tried now
  14. Okay so, first off, i can play perfectly fine, except for every 20-30 seconds i get this odd freeze for roughly 2-3 seconds *up to 8 is max* I dont play with anything else then TeamSpeak, yet i dont have any lag issues except for that one point every 30 seconds or so. I look at like this, If you play minecraft, its like a chunk loading and you get a freeze up. So, i know my specs are pretty bad, but i dont know what to think as i dont have overall lag, it runs perfectly except for that freeze, BTW I use 6Launcher and have all my driver's updated and everything is up to date. I have Steam also, should i stop using 6launcher? Running Vista 64 bit, yet i run on 32B because of Graphics Card Dell Inspiron 530S ATI Radeon HD 3450 *Trying to upgrade this, pain with 530s* 4G of Ram Pentium Dual Core ES5200 2.50GHz If you need anything else, or just tips on how to upgrade / what to upgrade to please reply :D Thanks!
  15. Anyone, still having horrible problem
  16. Profaith

    FPS Issue

    I have the same exact problem, sadly im using a worse computer, so instead i go from what is a enjoyable time, *Probably 30 fps w/o lag* every ten seconds or so i just freeze, then after a few seconds it goes away, and it just repeats, getting really annoying, and no one's advice has worked yet!
  17. Having weird problems? I get this HUGE Lag burst every 10-20 seconds that last another 5-10 seconds, i was told closing six would help it so i tried it, worked once, now its even worse though >.> When it worked once i thought it was fixed as i never once had a problem but im not sure what to think of it, btw here is my PC Specs just to give a bit, i know its pretty bad but i dont lag at all inbetween the stupid bursts >.> Running Vista 64 bit, yet i run on 32B because of Graphics Card Dell Inspiron 530S ATI Radeon HD 3450 *Trying to upgrade this, pain with 530s* 4G of Ram Pentium Dual Core ES5200 2.50GHz
  18. So, it worked once, i got ingame, tabbed out closed six launcher, but now, its gotten even worse when i close it, dont know what to do now >.> Getting really annoying, it was nice to play without the freezing even if it was for fourty-five minutes :D Got a gun and got some kills but that was all as i died to a glitch D:
  19. Ty all, will try that tomorrow xD
  20. Not looking for anything special, just want that stupid freezing to go away! Logging off for night, hope to get a response tomorrow D:
  21. Hey all, I am making a post here, since, as I said, I will be making a guide, not just any guide, oh no, this is based solely on my encounters in the world and what i did that day, sort of like a diary, but I will need many people to help me as, I am still a noob and will be asking tons of questions! This is for new people to look at, and find in game answers to question's they come across in game, and just learn from my stupidity! *Don't run at a zombie when you first spawn in : D* First of all, Things i should? Like good places to be, what are the best weapons, where people usually hang out, and why airfields are so bad! People keep telling me DO NOT GO! But they wont tell me why D: First daily log will be inputted tonight after i get some playing in :D Thank you all!
  22. Thanks :D Hoping to get stuff rolling here soon!
  23. Profaith


    This is a great post :D To many people think their is a endless amount of customer support everywhere they go
  24. Hey all, im using the Six Updater to join server's, i connect to them and all that, but the moment i join the server, i always spawn in a huge rolling prairie with nothing around me and no one is on it? one time i could talk to people but i dont know if they saw me talking *Ignored D:* Thanks all :D