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Everything posted by tomany

  1. Does the average life expectancy include respawns? if so, why isnt it lower?
  2. tomany

    Very stupid question...

    Use fraps for screenshots? that is what i do... or get the steam overlay working, which is what i do aswell
  3. tomany

    Average life expectancy

    Thanks everyone for the clarification, i believe this thread can be locked now, from OP request <3
  4. Where : Chicago 47 When : 1:03 Pacific Standard Time What : Was sniping in elektro, entire server was mass killed. No pics or video, but the admins can check the logs, and will clearly find 40+ deaths.
  5. Server it happened on : US 110 (running 94876 beta or earlier, on Time : 6:27 Pacific Standard Time What Happened : Was looking through elektro with my MP5, heard a helicopter coming in, got multiple screens as well as a video and a name. Not sure if he found it from someone or brought it in himself, but i have heard many reports that heli's are no longer in the game due to de syncing. http://desmond.image...jpg&res=landing http://desmond.image...jpg&res=landing http://desmond.image...jpg&res=landing Video evidence as well. with name Good shot of name http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/918983253954097225/8152A9C3569E0D6223F4A4371F6EE9FAB9413064/
  6. tomany

    Heuy in elektro

    that was why i put the beta patch it was running and the version, because some previous versions apparently still have them, but does not, For sure.
  7. tomany

    New Zombies Please?!

    there is no law against shooting or killing children in games, but it will get it banned from certain countries (I.E. australia). Look at bioshock, you could harvest the little sisters...
  8. tomany

    LU 115

    at 1:57, you can see a zombie running from the center of the screen to the position of the puffs of smoke from the muzzle, than start attacking. i +1 this, most likely a hacker, OP, you need to post the server name, and time it happend so the players name can be pinpointed
  9. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines/ All he is missing is the time of the event. if by proof you mean screens / video, those are optional.
  10. tomany

    Abusive admins FR62

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines/ If by "proof" you mean screenshots, or video, those are not required. he has the server name, the time, and what happened during the event. he has all his bases covered.
  11. I think it is about time this flame war of a report is locked. +1 to OP for the report, +1 to Achillius for doing and saying what he thinks is right. Now let the dev's deal with it, and stop all the accusations. There are screenshots, and the devs checking the logs and hive will prove whether it is true or not.
  12. tomany

    Choosing a Graphics Card

    I'd get a new motherboard and new CPU before a GPU... but if it is a 5000+, the chances are that that CPU is running on a motherboard that takes PCI-express 2.0
  13. Has he taken antibiotics?
  14. I think a change in skin is a bad idea, In real life, people kill others, or rob stores, or beat their wives / husbands, and most of the time, by just looking at them, you wouldn't be able to tell if they were bad people... so i say no, do not put in skins.
  15. tomany

    Subtle signs of a bandit

    Blood on hands? +1, but make it more visible, you have to crouch to access the bodies anyway, so why not get it on the pants as well? BUT this would have to be for both Zeds and Players, if you loot a zed, you would still get blood on you.
  16. tomany

    Radio Transmitter

    even if it was possible, there is nothing stopping you from alt tabbing, and typing even if Voip is off, or if you dual monitor, or have a PC and a laptop... to OP, love the idea, but i think the scripting for that might kill the game FPS wise, not player base wise ;)
  17. tomany

    Fullmoon nights way too bright

    i agree with most people here, i live in a relatively small town (45000 people) and in the middle of the night, even on a half moon, there is enough light to see a cat walking across the sreet about 300M away... the full moon could go a bit darker, next time you are in a night server with a full moon, do me a favour, turn the brightness in your game to 0.9, and gamma to 0.8 that is what a half moon looks like where i live... than again, there isnt much polution where i live either, and with what i've seen for buildings and cars around chernarus, there would be less polution to block the light there, than in my small town...
  18. This idea gets a no from me. It is already fairly easy to tell who is and who is not a bandit, if you see a high powered rifle, Coyote Backpack, Asault rifle, or anything of the sort, you have about a 99.999999 % chance they are a bandit. The heart beat is good enough for me. Plus this is a zombie simulator, note the "simulator" portion of the phrase, in real life, if someone saw you shoot someone in a zombie apocolypse, i dont think they would say a word, for all they know the person the shot was bitten, or injured, or trying to kill them. And if you had a family, would you let someone live if they had a gun? Hell i dont even know if i could trust my wife, for all i know, she could shoot me, because she thinks im dead weight. And finally, if they see you kill someone in the forest who is he going to tell? if he is just north of cherno, he might make it to cherno before being eaten to tell someone. And i cant see this being broadcasted to all the other cities. And even more so, i would just shoot any NPC i saw if i committed a crime like that.
  19. tomany

    More Zombies But Make Them Slower

    I think the speed should be lowered just a tad, they can currently keep up with you at a sprint "double tapping W" but i think that they should move at the run speed "shift toggle speed" that way you can still out run them, but they are still a challenge, everything in the video made the zombies look even more of a joke than they are now in DayZ. The only threat currently in DayZ is the PVP players, zombies are just too easy to lose (even at this full sprint speed). IMHO, the zombies need to be alot more agressive than they currently are...
  20. What about lag problems? Like if you lose connection due to a terrible internet connection? than what? you are locked out of the game for 30 min cause of your internet connection? or you join a server (Like for me, Chicago 48) and you get constant studders? so you leave, only to realize that you can't play anymore cause of a 30 minute wait? Also, to OP, Each server having a seperate character, IMHO is a bad idea, the fact that you can play on a server for several hours, than have it crash and be offline for days is a serious problem. for this to work, the map would need to be WAYYYY bigger, and the need for more stable servers to be had. Not to mention the fees that will be incorperated with having every single server needing to save character data rather than a single mother server... That would cost thousands, and most server hosters would drop the server.
  21. Zombies need to be a HELL of a lot stronger to justify the reduction of ammo. Currently as it is, it's easy to lose zombies through LoS, and they are so weak that they aren't even a threat, to me and my friends, they are no worse than a mosquito in a silk farm. The only real tense situations are when we go through Cherno, Elekrto, B-Zino, or N/W airfield, where players usually reside, and can kill. Unless the zombies become stronger, there is no point in even saving ammo for them, the only time we have to shoot them is when we are stuck in a house with only one entrance, and that is usually a firehouse, so we go on the ladder from the 3rd floor, and escape without a scratch. TL;DR, Zombies are too weak, Players are the only thing to fear currently.