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Everything posted by Spoleto

  1. I honestly thought the hacking issue was temporarily fixed cause the bypass creators thread has multiple reports of the hack no longer working, so I logged in - Immediate thunderdome.. Fml.. :P
  2. When PvP is initiated by either party players should either - fight back and die - or run away but crucially, just stay in the game whilst you do it not run 100m and pussy out behind a wall. I love how he is going on and on about how he didnt disconnect he just aborted and that that is his "playstyle" so people should STFU. Your not playing the game man your *leaving* the game at the first sign of trouble...
  3. Korax this has been bugging me for ages - your profile pic is bloody hillarious but I want to know if in the side chat going on which is impossible to read is that survivor begging for his life or something - he looks so sad/scared and it has me chuckling every time I see it.
  4. Spoleto

    I tried to find a hacker

    Hahaha I love it! you must be following a different thread to me but thats gold thanks for sharing :D
  5. Spoleto

    I tried to find a hacker

    For how long is a completely different matter...
  6. Spoleto

    I tried to find a hacker

    Battleye has finally pulled through and temporarily stopped the bypass hack from working! That would explain why you couldn't find any hackers today.. Not going to post the sites URL but if anyone else has been following the post just check the latest few responses from upset script kiddies and it will confirm it's no longer working! Hooray!
  7. Spoleto

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    I wish I could give negative beans... And I'm certainly not blaming rocket and I don't think OP is either, but how the fuck is U R JUST BAD even relevant to the discussion.. Wow..
  8. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    Yeah Rocket said when he took side chat out that it was because ingame radios with selectable channels were coming into the mod very soon... But yeah he has had other things to deal with I'm sure but I think it was a mistake to take it out so far before he had something ready to put in its place.
  9. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    You didn't :) I just get quite touchy about this subject and was using your post for a jumping off point to have a little moan ^_^
  10. Spoleto

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    The amount of people replying with " I have have only ran into hackers once or twice in a month " " I have never seen a hacker so your point is invalid" Makes me cringe.. Just because its not happening to you, does *not* mean its not the biggest issue dayz the alpha has at the moment.. stop being so selfish. I play on a variety of servers and I find what OP has said to be exactly the case currently and believe me there are thousands of dayz players who perhaps don't post on the forums who probably feel the same way. Over the last 5 nights I have encountered at least one script kiddie EVERY single night, sometimes more.. Sometimes they nuke the whole server, sometimes they teleport behind you and gun everyone down one by one, sometimes they thunderdome but they are pulling shit without fail every single night on a huge range of servers. I'm honestly glad some of you are able to play without running into these fools but please dont diminish the problem for us who are not so lucky. I try to play smart - loot quickly in cherno/electro and move up north and play very carefully as a loner mostly but occasionaly with a small group who may for example try to repair a vehicle. It has been impossible to make any concerted attempt to actually "survive" or accomplish more difficult tasks recently and I have began just gearing up and messing around on the coast looking for trouble and I hate playing like that.. Im sure it doesn't affect clan members with tents full of duped weapons, either as at most they have to make a short(ish) run from the coast to their camp and they are back on their feet again but for players who spend sometimes upwards of 4 hours painstakingly gearing up only to die in the most unfair possible way its a huge dampner on any motivation to even log in at the moment. I say all of this knowing it's not an issue caused by or even solvable by Rocket alone, but it's such a problem at the moment there should seriously be a disclaimer on dayzmod.com explaining the current situation to any prospective buyers - ( yes buyers, don't try to pretend people are not buying the CO arma pack for dayz, right or wrong, they definitely are, the sales figures make that fact self evident ) and a dev acknowledgement of the issue on the forum would be nice, too. Rocket used to post on here all the time..
  11. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    It's really late here in the UK dude - 6am - Im going to bed but Ill download skype tomorrow and see how you got on setting it up - my advice is to google "edit dayz mission file side chat" or something like that, Im sure someone has posted how to enable it somewhere :)
  12. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    I say again, people using third party voice; read: pretty much every single organised group. Don't care one bit about the authenticity of being able to speak over the entire map yet they will still come and trash on anyone who wants side chat back for the people who don't necessarily want to exchange skype details out of game to be able to meet up ingame.. Not saying your doing that but, if you press these people on that point they rationalise that their third party voip are ingame radios.. well I say that side chat is a ingame text radio if you really need a justification for it beyond it being essential to in game communication.
  13. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    And when you do figure out how to turn it on, watch how quickly the rampant deathmatching calms down - I only play on servers with side chat now and the atmosphere and sense of community is immeasurably better, I have started meeting people ingame and making friends again which I thought had become a impossibility in dayz. As far as immersion breaking, you can bet all the naysayers use teamspeak to chat with their mates over the whole map and dont give two shits about how that affects their sense of immersion..
  14. Spoleto

    how to turn global chat on

    You can turn it on by editing the mission files - It's not strictly speaking allowed but a good few hive servers I play on have it enabled. Im afraid I dont know how to do it but I would think it's a couple of google searches away - and if you do manage to turn it on please pm me your server name so I can come and play on it :) The server I play with side chat is shutting down on august 22nd due to hackers, real shame :(
  15. Just be ready to Ctrl Alt Delete and end the OA.exe process now because the new thunderdome script actually disables the game menu abort option and insta-kills your character if you use ALT + F4. Not even kidding :/
  16. Oh look people consistently make threads about a serious problem, better make a snide remark!
  17. Spoleto

    Re-implement side chat?

    Rocket used to get involved in these kinds of discussions on the forums not so long ago, I hope he still reads them occasionaly because I don't see any sign of his radio idea (that was meant to be replacing side chat) being implemented so It kinda feels like he has taken out a big part of the mod without having anything there to replace it in terms of similar functionality, which he acknowledged was needed in the dedicated thread on the removal of side chat. Too late to go digging through pages to find his quote but Im sure its still there to anyone who can be bothered to look for it.
  18. Well if it isn't happening to you it must not be a problem, I love the way you think <_< Also RE: Aborting if you run into a hacker, I dont have alt f4 macroed like some of you guys must have but not only is it impossible to abort quick enough to avoid a mass slay, there is a new version of the thunderdome script that locks the abort function on your ingame menu, and kills your character if you alt+f4.... So, yeah..
  19. Spoleto

    Re-implement side chat?

    Not only that but made metagaming with VOIP have a clear and distinct advantage, even if you DO meet a friendly with the current direct only system, you are at a huge disadvantage unless you exchange skype/ts3/mumble details as if you go more than 80m from each other you will lose contact and probably end up shooting one another if you bump into each other again. And your voice is heard by anyone also in your area - which im definately not complaining about, this is one of the most compelling parts of the ingame voip and one of the things I have such a problem with groups using third party voice circumventing, you will *never* overhear a organised enemy squad talking in game because they obviously are not broadcasting over direct, wheras people playing the game "properly" using the ingame voice will alert anyone in their radius friend or foe. It's such a compelling mechanic I don't know why people want to circumvent it... Bring back sidechat for general server community and making it possible for players to at least try to discover peoples intentions from further than 80m and for your VOIP needs use the ingame system as nothing is more awesome than overhearing another group ingame then tracking them down, for good or ill :lol:
  20. Spoleto

    Re-implement side chat?

    Exactly. The people who have a organised group who can communicate across the entire map with voice chat don't care that side chat is removed? Well that's suprising, they probably operate on a kill anyone not in our VOIP basis anyway, but for any other players who perhaps don't have a group playing or who *gasp* prefer to play solo most of the time side chat was an invaluable asset that gave us a comparable communication method to the unlimited range third party VOIP that is so widely used. And its a huge stretch to even say it is comparable - any bandits who wanted to spy on side chat had themselves an invaluable resource there to hunt down inexperienced players who were broadcasting their locations like a running commentary :P I would alternate between answering questions, just chatting over side chat to forgetting that blue text was even there when I was doing high risk activites, so I don't buy that its damaging anyones immersion, either. Sure it would be great to have an option to turn it off for any players who really find it that difficult to ignore but removing it entirely I think has proved to be a disingenious solution to increasing immersion, and has pretty much forced metagaming for coop of any kind.
  21. Well first you told him not to complain about the hackers and just mess around, then he explained that even messing around in Cherno is difficult nowadays because it's usually the No.1 spot for hackers to hit with their spawned in weapons and you told him that he shouldn't be suprised if he dies in Cherno. At no point did he complain about dying in Cherno on the forums infact he agreed with you that Cherno is certain death but that playing the smart way - Up north, carefully is almost as dangerous now due to server wide nukes being way too common for any extended playtime. At least thats how I interpreted his point. Regardless I don't need to fight other peoples battles on the forums, this hacking is effecting ALL of us regardless of our playstyle and we should be fairly unanimous as a community that regardless of the *source* of these hacking problems(engine vunerabilites, laughable anti-cheat), they are indeed problems that are affecting how we all play the mod. Up until recently I had more fun being a tester of this alpha mod than I have playing most other final release games, maybe It's spoilt me but I cannot see myself continuing to test this mod If my dayz story keeps ending with a mass server nuke or a teleporting godmode ghillie goon gunning me down.
  22. Spoleto

    Re-implement side chat?

    Got to give beans to all of you people, I saw threads like this pop up when side chat was first removed and haters immediately swarmed in to tell everyone how much better the game is without it, I wonder if they feel the same way now. Hopefully we can get some sort of consensus now on it at least being a server option that doesn't risk blacklisting, as it should be.
  23. You tell him not to take it seriously because you obviously acknowledge the hacking is preventing any serious attempts to keep a character alive then when he talks about having a derp around in cherno/electro you admonish him for playing that way? Most of your posts are well thought out and I enjoy reading them but it seems like your contradicting yourself here.
  24. Spoleto

    Re-implement side chat?

    I love side chat and I make a point recently of playing on the few hive servers that still have it enabled that I know of, I have been able to give and receive blood transfusions in areas where it would normally be impossible, answer questions that new players to the mod ask (and there are a lot of them), warn other surivors when I have been lured into ambushes over side chat and just generally feel like dayz has some semblance of a in-game (read: not meta) community. Some people will inevitably come in here saying " boo hoo its not realistic, this is meant to be a lonely apocalypse " these people will also defend there use of TS3 and other third party VOIP programs by saying " they are just like ingame radios idiot " Well if you need a RP reason for side chat we will appropriate your defense of TS3 - it's just a text based ingame radio, get over it, the game is far better for non clan players with it enabled. And the fact you can warn the server about snipers and the like in my opinion is offset by the fact that any aspiring bandit can easily track players who use side chat for more kills so it shouldnt upset the player killers, either.
  25. Oh and incase you think it's a once in a blue moon occurence - I have died to hackers every night since that incident on a mix of servers - all I can say is good luck avoiding them and maybe you and your mate should play on lower population servers for awhile as they seem to get less of a kick out of killing servers with 6 or 7 players milling about