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Everything posted by pawlzz

  1. You can't really say "I'm better than you" in DayZ, because you can't express your skill in numbers and there are too many aspects to deal with. That's one really cool point in this game: You can play in the playstyle you want.
  2. pawlzz

    realistic health

    The problem is, that people would regenarate to 12k in bushes when AFK. The game should be hard. And yes, shooting damage and blood system doesn't completely fit to each other, but after 1-2 shots from an AR in the chest you really should be near death. So yeah, they have to deal 3500-8000 blood damage each shot, even if it's not realistic in the "blood" aspect. Nevertheless, it's more realistic this way.
  3. pawlzz

    The forest comes alive...

    I love that. I't adds a more realistic atmosphere to the game. Caves sound really nice, but I think it's nearly impossible to add in the mod. I hope they put some in the SA-version of Chernarus.
  4. When it's a bug it should be fixed in Arma 3, I think.
  5. pawlzz

    Can I wear a ghillie suit safely?

    I never experienced item losses when changing clothes.
  6. pawlzz

    Should Green Mountain be Haunted?

    That's why i voted 'no'. Sorry, but I don't think it fits in this realistic zombie game ;)
  7. I love your ideas. But hipfire while running should be VERY unprecise. I don't want a jump'n run shooter :) Edit: I would really like to see knife-mods for weapons to give them an extra punch in melee!
  8. All in all i like it, but it's a bit too complex. Why couldn't you put beans where you put your journal? There are too mutch particular slots. I like the design though.
  9. You, Sir, have my beans. I'ts surely one of the best suggestions i've read so far. sorry double post.
  10. You, Sir, have my beans. I'ts surely one of the best suggestions i've read so far.
  11. pawlzz

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Are you fkin kidding us!?
  12. The best "RPG-style" idea I've heard. I really hate classes ideas. This one is still kinda nice, because you can switch the bags whenever you want and it improves teamwork. Only one thing: It's not very realistic that you can't put (for example) a bandage in for a toolpack. A restriction of something like that is a bit strange. But anyway, great thoughts.
  13. I love the refill idea, haveing 4 half full mags is kinda annoying and this would be the most realistic solution. And empty mags: Why not. This would also raise realism a bit.
  14. pawlzz

    idea for new mode in standalone

    Sounds quite interesting, but I don't think this fits into DayZ...
  15. pawlzz


    Mines can be really nasty, I rather think they could ruin the game somehow. I like the implemented beartraps though, I think this is enough. Rare AV mines could be imaginable, but only if they could be slightly seen everywhere, but I'm not sure. But, seriously, that doen't really fit in this game.
  16. pawlzz

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    I really love "found at home" weapons, they add some realism into the game! I would like to see some russian farmer tools like a scythe or a spade. To drop the weapon when you want to go melee is annoying, but it is realistic though.
  17. pawlzz

    Various NPC's, Traders?

    I agree. All you could do with an NPC you can do with a real player. NPCs destroy a bit of teamplay.
  18. pawlzz

    How about a starting weapon?

    Everyone should be able to survive without a weapon in DayZ as being able to survive with a weapon. To have both experiences in the game, we start without a weapon. The first chapter in the game is to find a weapon, it's a part of the game. Don't make this game too easy.
  19. pawlzz

    Game needs Standalone

    Would an MMORPG angine make the game more RPG or ist or is it only for the efficiency? I like the action and aiming-shooting aspect in the game (and also the rest) and I think a more RPG-focussed DayZ would be a bit boring, I like it as it is. In DayZ, the balance of RPG and Action is quite awesome at the moment.
  20. I like the minecraft model. You pay once and you can play the game completely and forever. Maybe play-for-free would make more money, but I hope you guys don't make some "free to play - pay to win". And as you, rocket, say: 'it won't work.' I totally agree. Generally I like the standalone idea. Thanks for the explanation :)
  21. I hope it will not be free to play with payable contents, this would be quite crappy for the "prestige" of the game and would wreck the gameplay. I think a simple pay game (maybe also for Steam) is the better decision.
  22. pawlzz

    The best bag

    Hey guys, I haven't seen this on the forum yet, so what ist the best bag to use? The default one is the coyote bag. I have heard that he has the most slots, so why do so much people with good gear play with ALICE bags or other ones? Are there other advantages/aspects that other bags have? I don't know the differences yet. Greetz, Pawlzz
  23. pawlzz

    The best bag

    Thanks a lot you 2. There's a wiki? Didn't knew it before.
  24. pawlzz

    Starting Stick Weapon

    You can easily find one. It's not the real survival when you have a weapon in the beginning.