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About Theweirdone

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Theweirdone

    It's a tunnel.

    Title says it all. EDIT: Sorry didn't see the vid thread, and I can't figure out how to erase this if there's a way.
  2. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    But you're the only one willing to put forth the effort!
  3. Theweirdone

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Only time I get mad is when I'm playing with my friend and he screws up royally, which only happens when he's tired as hell. Example: One time me and him were fixing up a car, and this dude starts opening fire on me, I tell him to be quiet and just let me die cause at this point I was a goner. He starts shooting at... something. So the shooter knew where he was and managed to shoot him and he didn't notice. Later he tells me he thought the a rock was my shooter (*Facepalm*). lol I can't even really begin to say how much better he is at shooters then me as well, so it's like I'm playing with this amazing gamer and we both coordinate well, then the next second I feel like I'm playing a noob.
  4. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I like how I've watched every episode and I can't answer about half of these questions without the aid of the intrawebs... or just watching the episode again I guess.
  5. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I should just kill in sick so I can do nothing but play DayZ with my brony buddies all night. EDIT: Where I work we kill in sick.
  6. Theweirdone

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    The first vehicle I ever drove was a helicopter. I stole it from some hackers (Didn't know at the time). Then 6 minutes later I figure out how to take off auto hover and crash. Luckily since the helicopter was hacked in BE kicked me from the game the moment the helicopter crashed and I lived.
  7. Theweirdone

    G17 vs AKM

    This reminds me of the thread were a dude posted a video of him and his group with horrible aim were killing unarmed survivors.
  8. Theweirdone

    ''Don't shoot! Friendly! Please!''

    The friendlies in this game don't call friendly. They either run like fucking hell if they know they've been seen or they watch you pass by.
  9. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    So yeah I did the time converter and if you guys go about 9+ hours I'll be able to make it, I'll just pop in the TS you pm me later to see if it's still going when I get home, if not sleep time.
  10. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    All the posts I have here have been while I play DayZ xD
  11. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I love that song
  12. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

  13. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Just wondering if it'd be fine if we went on a server I had a helicopter on.
  14. Theweirdone

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Do you alerady have the server set? and are nametags necessary cause I got a suggestion for one.
  15. Theweirdone

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    lol for some reason I watched that video, the only thing I learned is that I hope to God if I'm outnumbered I hope it's your group with their horrible aim.