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About Nikolos

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    On the Coast
  1. Nikolos

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Logging in and out of the game should be the most dangerous activities a character can do, and should be when you are at your most vulnerable. "But what happens if I randomly disconnect through no fault of my own?" You're S.O.L. then, just like every other game in creation. Ask people playing Hardcore Diablo3 what happens when they DC. As I understand it, the problem is technical, because the Arma engine wasn't designed to maintain a character's presence once they logged out. Hopefully the developers will find a workaround to this issue so that disconnecting will not be able to alt-f4 their way out of a bad situation.
  2. Nikolos

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    The issue isn't design related, it's all technical. The fix is easy to design: 30 second logout timer (and if you alt-f4, your toon stays logged in). This is how all the MMOs do it, and it works just fine. As for logging out to reposition yourself, that fix is easy as well: If you log back into a server within 30 minutes of logging off that server, you log back in where you last left, rather than your new position. Logging in and out should be high-risk activities, not ones that help protect you.
  3. Nikolos

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    How to prevent Ghosting: Whenever a player logs out/disconnects from a server, the server saves their location info for a specified amount of time (15-30 minutes perhaps). If that player logs back in within that time frame, the server puts them at their previous location, overriding any change in their location that may have occurred via server-hopping.