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Everything posted by reaper

  1. reaper

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    I haven't played since the 3rd or so public alpha due to the hunger/thirst ticking away when not playing. I loaded it up for the first time again today and noticed this zombies spawning way too fast as well as a few other weird happenings. I was crawling across a field with a few zombies in it. I had stopped when one was getting too close thinking I was going to have to shoot it. All of the sudden he took off running along with the rest of his buddies. I looked to see them going after someone running down the road. I thanked the guy in chat and made my way on across the now zombie free field. Once I made it across, I turn to see what happened to the other guy, and I see 5-6 zombies in the field right where I was about 10 seconds ago. It would be nice if zombies didn't spawn within a certain distance of the player. This would at least allow us to clear the immediate area and be save to scavenge without the threat of a zombie spawning a few feet behind us. It would also be nice if players working together could clear areas and set up a safe base to operate out of for organizing loot/raiding parties.