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About naruto12900@yahoo.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    Dark Watch [ Recruiting ]

    Steam: ninjawaffle63
  2. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    Change of Events!

    No i'm not a Grammar freak.
  3. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    Change of Events!

    What Happend! So we were going to elektro to ge4t hoispital supplies then our server crashed then we swiched server and we heard gun fire and my team mate got shot so i stayed and i went into the red house right next to the hospital and i pressed q out the window went to first person and the guy was on top of the factory so i shot and killed him i went up their i seen a guy he looked dead i think unconsuios so when i went to shoot him my weapon swiched and he shot me with his cz 550 i layed on the grounded i was almost dead he walked up to me i layed a whole ak clip into his fuckn face he died first then i came back and their was a Cz 550 camper on the fire station so i kept runing in and he finally left after all the body disappeared ;[. What It Turned into! So I went into the fire station and i got a ak 47 and i did the same thing to test it i swiched servers 2 times since i didnt see any one then i seen a guy crawling so i shot him about 6 times he died im like OMG! i walk up and i see all the gear + NVG + GPS Cooked meat , M107 in his bag G17 and a Winchester Sorry man i killed if u didn't hack to get the gear but its mine now! :D
  4. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    [BFM] Back From Hell Bandit Clan recruiting

    Alright just hit me up on steam :D or skype my skype is ninjawaffle633
  5. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    Fail bandits

    So im at a fire house and i hear them aproshing so i hide into the entrance of the tower part of the fire station and i press e to look to my right and alt to look around i have 7k blood and the guy has a ak so i arm my lee enfield he sees me i fire he only takes me down to 2k and i killed him got to much good loot from him Ak 47, Map , Compass, Gps , NVG , ect
  6. naruto12900@yahoo.com

    [BFM] Back From Hell Bandit Clan recruiting

  7. Hello Lady and gentlemen! today i'm starting up a Bandit clan Its meant to have fun not shoot on site in intense situations like being fire-aponded the rules can be disengaged What we do: - 1. Rob people - 2. Have Fun - 3. Farm - 4. ZOMBIE - 6. Noticed i missed 5 - 8. More info Contact me on my Steam : Ninjawaffle63 , Theirs no 7. Requirements: - Be on alot - Able to Switch your main server to Our clans needs - Good at Shooters - [ Major ] Mature, If you Aren't You can GTFO! Contact me and hit me up im mostly on all day so lets have fun The Cap is 6 Players! So hurry and Apply by talking to me :D