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Posts posted by crackermachine

  1. Walking over barbed wire is extremely easy if you aren't in a rush, you can simply step where the coil meets the next coil and it makes a ~2 foot gap to pass through, I have done it dozens of times in the Marine Corps.

    Also, we do not need wire cutters, toolkits allow you to remove the barbed wire. I think they should just increase the percent of toolkit spawns so people can find them more regularly.

    I personally take down any inappropriately placed barbed wire I come across if I have the time to do so safely. I suggest that for all of you agreeing that this item is being abused that you do the same. If you have a toolkit and you are relatively safe, please take the time to remove the wire. Even a small amount of players doing this could potentially make a huge difference.

  2. I have been playing for a little more than a week on dayz. I am tired of lone wolfing and would like a dedicated group to play with. I don't want to be calling people 'sir' and all that crap, but I will follow orders and like an organized structure. I also don't want it so disorganized that in the ts3/vent you have 6 people talking at the same time, talking over eachother, everyone just talking and talking with no order and shit with half the people being drowned out because two people wanna meet up in elektro. I know there are those who understand what I mean, if you do please pm me or respond here.
