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Woodland Creature

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About Woodland Creature

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Woodland Creature

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I'm also one of those that's never seen a hacker in game and am also of the mind that most hacking reports arejust desyncing issues. But that video is pretty clear cut. The way he was moving around is just too obvious for anyone to claim desync there. Hopefully they will get hit in the next ban wave and they'll have wasted another $50-60 on the game and their lame ass hacks.
  2. Woodland Creature

    what is 2nd person view?

    No, that would be another 3rd person game, as viewed by someone not in the scene being viewed.
  3. Woodland Creature

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    Blue? doesn't that mean a star is about to go nova or something?
  4. Haha!! Nice one. Ahh cassettes, that brings back some memories from my impatient youth.
  5. Woodland Creature

    Is morphine really that rare?

    Sometimes it can seem like the item you want is rare, but that's just sods law+DayZ's loot spawns trolling you. I found most of my morphine in the prison blocks, mostly in the cells. But I have come across a couple of injectors of both types in hospitals too so they do spawn there.
  6. Oh dear, threads like this really do crack me up. They just have no clue how game development is done. I would post up a lenghty description of how and why things are done in the order they are done in but really, what would be the point? The OP is either a troll and wouldn't care or is a total idiot and wouldn't understand. Sorry if that sounded harsh but I call it like I see it.
  7. Woodland Creature

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    Exactly, the game is what you make of it. a bit of imagination is all it takes to do something different.
  8. Woodland Creature

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    This is a pretty neat idea, nice one. I would join in but I found a pristine LRS the other night and am looking for a Mosen to slap it on.
  9. Woodland Creature

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    Ok, I get what you're saying with rapid changes in direction, like strafing left then immediately switching to strafe right. You do have a point although this never really bothered me much in video games. Maybe a brief pause could be added for when we switch from strafing left to strafing right (and vice versa) to allow for corrections in body momentum to be in line with Newtonian physics, or maybe make characters fall over or stumble and flail about a bit to catch their balance again before switching direction. However I would put this one in the 'Would be nice' column of Must have/Could use/Would be nice.
  10. Woodland Creature

    Shotguns are awesome

    I had a sawn off shotgun on an older character and was hoping I'd get a chance to use it on another player, sadly alpha ate that character before I got the chance. I did have a lot of fun clearing out Zeleno, at range the sawn off performed exactly as I expected, which was pretty badly. But letting the zombies get closer and giving them both barrels was such fun. The first time I unloaded both barrels into a zombie, the recoil sent the barrel skywards and I just pissed myself laughing. Obviously this isn't a stealth weapon and sure enough I drew in every hungry zombie within earshot, but that was fine because I had like 5 or 6 speed loaders ready to go and a silly amount of ammo in reserve. A few minutes later and the south part of town was clear and I had a huge smile on my face.
  11. Woodland Creature

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    I don't get this one at all, unless you have some form of disability where you can't cross your legs or can't rotate your hip for whatever reason then strafing at more than walking speed is totally do-able. Side stepping, where your trailing foot meets and stops before your leading foot, would be at walking speed due to your lack of momentum. But running in a sideways motion can easily be done at a jogging speed, although not for very long because of the way your ankle, knee and hip joints are connected, that and it would be easier to loose your balance the further you go.
  12. Woodland Creature

    Do You Use The Glitch Spots?

    Absolutely not. I don't like to be cheated so in turn I don't cheat anyone else.
  13. Woodland Creature

    Would you report this kid?

    I'm not sure, I mean yes he is using an admin feature for his own end, which is bad, but he's didn't kick anyone for killing him, at least not that you knew of when you wrote this. I probably would go choose a new server to play on though. as there's only a small step from this level of douchbaggery to restarting the server on his death, which is a dick move indeed.
  14. Woodland Creature

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    Great devblog there, lots of cool features in it that I'm super exited about, Can't wait for hunting, campfires and cooking to be included. Great work guys :p
  15. Woodland Creature


    Oh nice map Kit the Great, I've been looking for a nice big terrain map for a while now.