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About BobbyDangler

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    On the run
  1. BobbyDangler

    Will trade a lot for M24

    Will trade the one I got in my tent for the NVG's and GPS. Play on AUS Servers EST, PM me if keen.
  2. BobbyDangler

    Hackers on AU2

    And the last: 5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmtqpp6xrs&feature=plcp
  3. BobbyDangler

    Hackers on AU2

    Here's the next two vids: 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdLJ_MakHJ4&feature=plcp 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_QEvLxfRlc&feature=plcp
  4. BobbyDangler

    Hackers on AU2

    All 5 vids of the 6 occurances now uploaded to youtube. Here's the first two (happens twice in first vid) 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbzbvROcrTk&feature=plcp 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3moMEbG_KHg&feature=plcp Excuse the language ^_^
  5. BobbyDangler

    Hackers on AU2

    Heres a screenshot of the player list from the first occurance, can't see that name in the list though.
  6. BobbyDangler

    Hackers on AU2

    Was also just on AU2, Hosted by iPGN. Beginning at approx 2200hrs EST Tuesday 31/07/2012, all players got "Thunderdomed" about 4-5 times in the space of 15 mins. Same deal, shooting spree. I have nearly each time recorded on FRAPS. Any suggestions who I can send footage to, or if I need to upload it to somewhere? Not sure if it really captures who did it, but it certainly shows it happening. Happy to assist in any way. BobbyDangler
  7. Damn, would've loved to help. Had some antibio's in my tent, went to check but looks like the tent either glitched and lost all contents, or it has been raided. Im thinking the former as it is fairly well in the middle of nowhere. Hope you get some soon. If I come across any I'll be sure to let you know mate.
  8. BobbyDangler

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    Going for a jog and you keep looking over your shoulder to see how many Zeds are chasing you