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McDeath (DayZ)

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Everything posted by McDeath (DayZ)

  1. McDeath (DayZ)

    US866 Admin abuse + hacking (teleport+invisibility+god mode\)

    I'm friends with everybody who plays the game legitimately.
  2. McDeath (DayZ)

    US866 Admin abuse + hacking (teleport+invisibility+god mode\)

    razyel_kain: "Oh my god guys, I actually got banned for scripting WTF" Sure buddy, good lie! This server is one of the three that I frequent the most, only because it actually has active admins. Everytime someone gets banned they put a message of why they got banned; and 90% of the bans are for teleporting, god mode,and spawning weapons. It is because of scripters like you that this game can get really annoying. Play honestly like the rest of us, or go play on your own private server you fucking turd.
  3. McDeath (DayZ)

    US866 / Seattle 7 Admins Cheating?

    Hey man, naming people is against the rules! Also is scripting, you turd!
  4. My only problem with DayZ Commander is that for some weird reason my macro keys don't work at all; no clue as to why that happens. But I personally love DayZ Commander.
  5. McDeath (DayZ)

    US 866 / Seattle 7 (FREE TACOS!!!)

    Nice, I love a server that has active admins.
  6. McDeath (DayZ)

    Massive hacker camp

    I treat other people like shit, because I think that I'm entitled to do so... Good job jackass, good job being Mr. internet tough guy. Why don't you try to respect other people, and just tell him that he should not post the coordinates.
  7. McDeath (DayZ)


    I have nothing better to say, so I'm just going to act like a douche! Good job Alice.
  8. McDeath (DayZ)

    US866 Ban Appeal

    Do you want to calm the hell down CrunchyBacon, how is that admin abuse when lately the hacking is out of control? He appealed the ban, and the admins said ok we'll fix it just don't do it again. Stop crying and just play the game.