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About Spudmarine

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  1. Spudmarine

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    he took away the ability to use the respawn button the only way to actually respawn is getting your blood to 00000.00
  2. Spudmarine

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    Best comebacks a you're correction. Which I used the right spelling its not an "you're" idiot
  3. Spudmarine

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    your an idiot.
  4. Spudmarine

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    sancuary servers have their own rules. vehicles and weapons can be added at will its not part of the hive server
  5. anyone have news on that server? looked in arma 2 server list...its completely gone....had a car on that seerver :(
  6. Spudmarine

    More items to carry in secondary equipment slots.

    like the ideas alot....like the ammo one i find i have alot of mags with 1 or 2 rounds left and id be nice to combine them...good idea :)
  7. Spudmarine

    US342 gone?

    Havent seen my home server in awhile anyone got word on it?
  8. anyone got a fix for this problem?
  9. Spudmarine

    Battleye: bad Name?????

    ^^^WORKED....thanks man..finally get to play
  10. Anyone wanta explain how "Spud" is a bad name?
  11. Why are most the US and atlanta servers at night time...its noon.
  12. Survivors of Dommekoe Recruiting new players of Day Z. We are looking for members that meet some of the following things: playable during Eastern US time. Willingness to learn. Ablility to follow group voted ideas. Share knowledge. Some thing that are not NESSESARY but would help: Mic. Vent and/or Teamspeak. We have a ventrilo server on standby 24/7. We are new and we are looking to become very very big. Its about time bandits have something to hide from. Your got what it takes? PM me or skype me at SpudDayZ117.
  13. Spudmarine

    Just found my first ghillie suit...

    LOL that sucks....i have found 3 so far...2 are in a tent off in the middle of no where. glitched in a tree so you can hardly see it. i mean hardly see it :)