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Everything posted by Nergalwaja

  1. My two friends and myself have been playing DayZ nearly everyday since May when we first started the game. We made camp on a server and stuck to it for months, and in all that time we came across maybe 1 vehicle every 3 weeks or longer. We were discouraged of the thought of ever obtaining vehicles of our own, so resorted to simply running across the map everywhere. Over the past month, however, we decided to try different servers after discovering the clan who ran the server had hackers among them. We also discovered that they were hoarding a good deal of the vehicles on the map which explained the abscence despite our best efforts of finding one. We hated the fact that they had accumluated so many vehicles, leaving the rest of us to suffer running for kilometers on end. We swore we would never become what they were. Now we've made camp on a new server, and through pretty much non stop playing the last couple days, have obtained the following: A bus motorcycle UAZ Military UAZ Civilian Ural Hatchback Huey A few hours ago we found a helicopter spawned next to the hospital in Cherno between the apartment complex. With just one of my friends, over the next hour and a half approximately we gathered the necessary supplies to repair it to flying condition, and made it back to camp. Looking down on all that we have accomplished, I realized that we have now become the capitalists that we hated from our previous home server, and I don't feel bad one damn bit. We worked hard, playing for hours on end, earning each vehicle that came our way, and we're not giving them up without a fight....or unless we get bored :P Has anyone else felt similar?
  2. Nergalwaja

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    I'm right there with you, it makes my day when I stumbled across a bicycle somewhere in the wasteland. I spend the next few hours just riding around enjoying the scenery :P. Unfortunately one of my two friends I play with is a pussy when it comes to firefights, and prefers to simply disconnect when being shot at. I'm usually the one that gets us killed because I like seeing a fight through to the end. He doesn't understand the concept of, "Cowards die many times before their death..."
  3. Nergalwaja

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    And like I said previously, the focus of the mod should no longer be dealing with hackers. They're here to stay, all we can do is deal with it as best we can. Let Rocket clean up things such as artifacting, disappearing animals, and ethereal zombies and throw some new stuff our way to see how it plays out.
  4. Nergalwaja

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Yes but even with those algorithms hackers are going to continue to find holes in the system to breach. BattlEye is getting better but it's not that great yet. Even as they continue to ban more hackers I'm still finding the same amount per server unfortunately. It's a problem that won't be properly dealt with until the standalone, as Rocket has said many times. Eliminating the hackers shouldn't be the main focus for the mod at this point. Cleaning up the bugs and testing some new design ideas is what we have to look forward to. So I'm still apposed to the restart. P.S. This also didn't go through before your next post ChernoPTA, don't mean to look like a blind ahole :P
  5. Nergalwaja

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    You're all going to hate me for this post, but oh well. I have mixed feelings about resetting the hive at this point. A month or 2 ago I would've been all, "HELL YEAH BURN IT ALL", but with the standalone coming out within the next couple months, what's the point? Hackers will just respawn everything that they lost, people will find those tents and loot them, then take them back to their camps and duplicate them all over again. Even if the patch is supposed to prevent duplication there's no guaruntee that it'll work, we all know how rocky the game gets right after a patch. If it happens it happens, there's nothing I can do about that. But for some of us who come by our gear honestly and don't have duplicated tents to rely on anymore, it really doesn't solve much in the end. We all start from scratch in a month or two regardless. I say let it play out from here. P.S. I was the one who voted no... incase you couldn't tell :P
  6. I realize that using the Six Launcher you can swap between various other mods along with DayZ, and I feel like playing some Singleplayer scenarios on Operation Arrowhead. I've launched OA through Steam, it takes me to DayZ with Singleplayer grayed out. I've tried launching ArmaII through Six Launcher with no mod selected, and I still get the same problem. I've tried disabling the DayZ mod through the expansions menu through the ArmaII main menu, but that doesn't work either. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  7. Can I have the name of the admin for the listed server above? You have rampant hacking going on your server right now. I will you PM you their names if you want.
  8. Nergalwaja

    Are AS50 TWS's in the game or hacked?

    Um, no. I can't think of a time when that gun was ever legal in DayZ. It's perfectly normal in ArmaII vanilla, but not this mod.
  9. Okay so I don't play on Non-hive servers very much but I stumbled acrossed one with a friend and played a while. Found a motorcycle, made camp, and he left. I kept chatting with the other guys and befriended the admin. He took me to his camp with his 3 friends and they have several vehicles. Jeep, car, Bus, bicycle, and Ural. He seems like the kind of guy who would reset, or roll back the server if I ended up stealing his shit with my friends. My question is, since it's a non-hive server is he subject to the regular rules of admin (banning, kicking for severe reasons) if he abuses his admin power, or since it's essentially his own setup can he do whatever the hell he wants with no repercussion? P.S. They have a hacked AS50 TWS at their camp in a tent. He showed me. If I steal their vehicles can he ban/kick/roll or reset server and get away with, or not?
  10. Nergalwaja

    Looted G36C-SD from a tent.

    Tough call to make, I got perma-banned from a server for simply having a Thermal AS50 in my backpack, before I was completely in the server.
  11. Nergalwaja


    Hey Gumpinfuck, I want you to quote word for word what this Forum Admin said in the threat you're so butt hurt about. A link would be nice as well, because if you misinterpreted the original meaning behind the post, you deserve a slow, painful death. [user warned. -Max]
  12. Nergalwaja

    GPS toggle

    So my friend asked a good question so I thought I'd ask you all. When you have GPS toggled it shows two options on the little window, "COORDS" and "MAP". He asked if there was a way to toggle between those two options, and since I didn't know I figured someone here must.
  13. Nergalwaja

    GPS toggle

    Yeah I knew all of that but I was just wondering if you could run the GPS "map" styled if you know what I mean.
  14. Okay so basically I've been an asshole, and decided to change my ways and be a good guy. I have died as a bandit and assumed my humanity would be reset to 0 and have a clean slate when I spawned next, but instead I spawn with negitive 90000 humanity and always have the bandit skin. Do I have to repeatedly do good deeds for it to permanently go down, or will it eventually reset at zero?
  15. Does anyone know how the servers will work for the DayZ standalone game? As in, will the current DayZ mod servers be able to just switch over to the standalone version without loss of anything such as vehicles or camps? Will the servers be entirely new and different in standalone vs. mod? Will bans from the mod carry over to the standalone servers? (banned on one server for just picking up AS50 TWS, I know, my mistake). So on and so forth.
  16. So my friends and I use the Six Launcher but it's really starting to piss me off and I'm thinking of switching to the Commander launcher but I want to be sure of something. Can I have both Six/Commander installed at the same time and still find games from either one and still update correctly or do I have to remove one for the other to work?
  17. Nergalwaja

    Lets Discuss - Way-Points.

    I personally prefer to have waypoints in the game, but if they are removed in the standalone I won't be heartbroken. I've traversed Chernarus enough to know which town I'm in without needing to look at a map or have a waypoint tell me. Just familiarize yourself with the layout of the major/mid sized towns and you'll know exactly where you are without needing road signs either. I think it has to do with freedom as well. People don't like not having options, we just don't. If you don't like waypoints there are several servers out there that have them disabled, I've been on quite a few. Just change servers if you don't like what it has to offer. It's just like people complaining that you can sprint forever in the game without getting tired. Remember, Rocket has to draw the line at immersive, but still fun. Do you really want to stop every 20 minutes because your guy needs a breather? No. Do you really want to have to stop and take a shit or piss on a tree, further risking your chances of dying? No. Remember, the line between realism and fun is a thin one, and Rocket is doing his best to toe it. As long as Rocket does the absolute best he can with what he has to work with, I'll be happy with whatever he decides.
  18. Nergalwaja

    Technical Problems

    Last night my computer was attacked by several viruses so I took the easy way out and reinstalled my OS drive, leaving my Game/Music drive untouched. Reinstallation went fine, ran updates, blah blah blah. I go to reinstall Six Launcher and DayZ Commander which went fine. However, DayZ Commander didn't have my game paths already set like it did the first time I installed, which is no biggie. I set the paths in the settings tab for each appropriate game, and then I tried joining a game. I get an error message saying that I can't join a game because the system cannot find the specified file. I thought maybe my Arma2 Revision was wrong so I update that, however it doesn't allow the installation to go through because it gives me an error message "BAD CD-KEY" which is odd because I bought authentic and valid copies of Arma2 and OA through Steam. It let me patch up to (dont want .5 yet) no problem, but it won't let me update the revision or join a game because it says my paths aren't correct even though they are, unless I wasn't deep enough into the path. I.E. D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ for example. Anyone got any ideas on what to do?
  19. I started using the DayZ Commander because it was better than the Six Launcher, but how do I update it to new patches? Does it do it automatically like Six Launcher? Or are there mirrors I need to download from?
  20. I started using the DayZ Commander because it was better than the Six Launcher, but how do I update it to new patches? Does it do it automatically like Six Launcher? Or are there mirrors I need to download from?
  21. Nergalwaja

    How do I update DayZ Commander?

    Disregard that post, I found the option.
  22. Nergalwaja

    So I got a Ghilie and Sniper.

    And the point of this post was...?
  23. Nergalwaja

    Clucking idiots

    You're more than welcome to move to Iran and get yourself killed. You don't have enough intelligence to make it on your own.
  24. Are half the people on the forums medically pronounced retards or to people just choose not to think because they're lazy? Of course at some point progress for the mod will stop to further the advancement of the standalone game. Everyone seems to forget that Rocket's team for DayZ in the beginning was a small number of people. They weren't prepared for the sudden blast of new players that led from mere thousands to hundreds of thousands. They didn't have the man power, the funds, or the resources to keep this mod ahead of the curve in terms of adding new features and fixing bugs. Rocket's development plan was severely haulted and it's amazing they've kept it alive this long. Now that Rocket has the proper means of assembling a larger team, the backing of money and other resources, we can expect that updates and fixes to both mod and the game will come somewhat quicker. People always seem quick to critisize and redicule a man who almost single handedly brought millions of dollars to BI with a broken game. I'd like to see anyone else here do better, so please get the fuck off Rocket's case. Thank you :)
  25. Nergalwaja

    this mod is in beta...

    You sir, are a fucking idiot. Keep on thinking you're right though :)