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About Nergalwaja

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Nergalwaja

    US 3480 Admin Abuse

    It's okay, I've been unbanned after posting this thread, so whomever did the banning must've noticed and didn't want to get in any trouble.
  2. I killed a guy at NWAF a couple hours ago, no hacks or illegal items just an old fashioned CZ 550 Snipe, clear the area and then log off. When I tried logging on just now it says I've been banned. My guess is the person I killed was connected with the admins and got angry that he lost his gear. Please investigate and punish the injustice if necessary.
  3. Nergalwaja

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    Do you guys know when your server will be back online?
  4. Can someone please fill me in as to why US 3480 has been down recently? It's always been a high populated vanilla server for public hive with admins always on looking for hacker/cheaters to ban, and really enjoyed playing on it. Now that it's been offline I've resorted to using server US 1257 Public Hive, although it has a password on it currently and I was under the impression that passwording public servers was against the rules. So TL;DR, can someone please explain why US 3480 is down, and when it will be back? P.S. This is for DayZ Mod vanilla.
  5. Nergalwaja

    Updating Patches on Private Hive

    That did the job, thank you very much!
  6. Hey guys, Since this is my first time hosting a server, with the release of the new patches. So my question is pretty simple. How do I properly update my Private Hive server hosted by HFB so it runs the latest ARMA2 version patch and 1.7.7? I tried attempting to do this myself, but all I was able to do was update the Arma2 version patch. Everytime I tried updating to 1.7.7 from the Updates section, it seemed to uninstall the mod itself from the Mod Manager section. Any tips on how to avoid this? Thanks, James
  7. Nergalwaja

    Private Hive Up and Running!

    Haha thank you much appreciated, that was frustrating me.
  8. Hey everyone, After a lot of headaches, my private server is finally up and running! The information is: Name: DayZChernarus - ( - Hosted By JC and Company | HFBServers.com IP: Port: 2312 Query Port: 2312 Slots: 50 The admins including myself will be fair, hacking is not tolerated, and we want everyone to have a good time! Bring your friends and lets kill some zombies....... and people!
  9. Hey everyone, I just bought a Private Hive server from HFB so my friends and anyone else could play on a server without the usual hacking/ghosting problems. I thought I configured everything correctly, read all the material I could to help me set the server correctly, but something isn't working still. When you load into the server and it takes you to the lobby, you have to sit through a timeout every time. Once the timeout expires it takes you to the next black screen, where you would normally have a map. But you never get farther than that black screen, you just sit there forever. I contacted HFB and they reinstalled my server, but it didn't fix the problem. So does anyone know how to fix this, or know someone or something that I can read that would fix this problem? Otherwise I'm probably going to try a different server company. Any help is appreciated.
  10. Nergalwaja

    New Server Not showing

    I did, they are really slow to get back to me. Hosted by HFB if that helps
  11. Nergalwaja

    New Server Not showing

    Does anyone know anything that might explain my problem?
  12. Nergalwaja

    New Server Not showing

    I tried relogging several times with no change. I even had a friend log on and he couldn't get any farther. I tried reinstalling the map and reconfiguring the files on the server but still no change. Anyone have any suggestions?
  13. Nergalwaja

    New Server Not showing

    Ahh yeah thanks man, that did the trick. However I'm having more problems. I joined the server and after the lobby screen it brought me to where the map usually is. (wasn't there because I don't have one equipped) But it never went past that screen and into the actual game, it just let me sit at a black screen for a while until I disconnected. Any idea why?
  14. Hey guys, So I just bought a private hive server to keep the hackers out and the honest players in. My buddies and I were tired of getting cheapened out of our lives. Anyways, I bought the server, set everything up, went to launch the server, and after I started it up, none of us could find it on the DayZCommander server list. I'm pretty sure everything is configured correctly, so we're not sure why it won't show up on the list. Is there something extra I have to do for my server to show up on DayZCommander? Or am I missing something else completely? Here is my server information: Name: DayZChernarus JC and Company - ( - Hosted By HFB | HFBServers.com IP: Port: 2332 Query Port: 2332 Slots: 50 Any help is appreciated!
  15. Nergalwaja

    Your Final Words Before Death

    "Did I leave the stove on?"