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Imrahil (DayZ)

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About Imrahil (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. The short version: DayZ is not a zombie apocalypse mod. The zombies have lost all meaning and become basically scenery. It's the dispersion of loot, the loose everything on death etc... that has become the core of the mod. You could take the zombies completely out and it wouldn't look much different. This is where the problem is. Those who have issues with the PvP etc, are the ones who want it to be about the zombies. They see "ohh, a zombie apocalypse mod, sweet" and want to play it as such. And when they realize that "bandits" have more to do with DayZ than zombies, they want their advertised zombie mod back. "Bandits" are in general the ones who didn't even blink at the zombie part, and just found another arena to kill people. They're focused on the perma death, dispersion of loot etc. Again, for the most part they wouldn't blink an eye if all the zombies were removed, so long as they still had their supply of other players trying to get to strategic loot points. At the moment, if you're faced with 2 paths, one with a dozen zombies but covered, and the other empty, but open, most people would rather try to face the zombies. Until that's not the case, when there's a solution found where you can play they game, and in the natural course of playing spend most of your thoughts on surviving the zombies rather than wondering who's gonna shoot you in the back, then there won't be peace between the two camps.