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Everything posted by Crimsonshot

  1. Crimsonshot

    Helicopter Crash Site

    As someone who has looted hundreds of crash sites, I can confirm that loot does not respawn, and crash sites only spawn the following loot: - Bizon PP-19 SD - DMR - FN FAL - FN FAL AN/PVS-4 - MK-48 - M249 SAW - AS50 - M107 - M14 AIM - NVG's - Medical Box - Misc (Chem lights, cans, bottles, epi pens, morphine, etc.)
  2. Crimsonshot

    l85 tws still in game

    Rocket already stated that the removal of the L85A2 AWS (along with 1-2 other guns) was a mistake, and would be fixed in the next update.
  3. I was originally going to put this in the bug reports section (In fact I tried yesterday) but it wasn't accepted apparently, so I'll post it here. While mucking around in DayZ with my L85A2 AWS, I happened upon a crash site and needed to take out some zombies quietly, so I switched to some Stanag SD rounds and targeted a zombie, putting my crosshair right on their head. I shot, and missed apparently, so I unloaded a few more rounds thinking it was user error, but nope, still no luck. So, I hopped into the armory and found the gun to be pretty accurate... until you switch to SD rounds. Here is a video outlining the problem and showing it's not just a problem with the L85 either. (Sorry for the mic quality, using an old headset).
  4. Just searched the entire forum with the broad terms "SD Ammo" and didn't come up with anything related to this, care to elaborate?
  5. Then wouldn't it make more sense to have the bullet shoot lower than the sight?
  6. Crimsonshot

    Why were the yogscast allowed to do this?

    It's a private server that isn't connected to the Hive, meaning that their gear will not be transferred to a normal DayZ server. In case you don't know, there are a lot of private 'network' type servers that allow players who are in groups to have their hand in a new character within their own pool of servers. I personally don't see anything wrong with what they are doing, and it seems like you have a personal grudge against the Yogscast because the rest of the community does. Grow up and stop making stupid threads that "The Yogscast is ruining the community" and that you think their videos suck because you don't agree with them. You don't have to watch their videos if you don't want to.
  7. Crimsonshot

    V3S Explodes after hitting tree

    If the truck had a red hull/engine, hitting anything could cause it to blow up, despite being able to ram down trees normally.
  8. When the server restarts your offroad will be flipped rightside up right where you left it.