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Everything posted by fish911503

  1. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I know I'm not going to respect myself in the morning for asking you this but.....How do you know "almost all of these bans are for legit players"?
  2. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Ok then...I'll leave you all to cry on each others shoulders. I hope things get better for ya
  3. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Not at all like saying that. It's like saying if your accused a felony you plead you're case in court not to the cops arresting you. All I said was there no point in pleading your case HERE!!! I don't understand why you can't understand that. Submit your ban ID to BE if you've been banned. How the fuck is anyone here supposed to know why you got banned???? Jesus christ. Idiots.
  4. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    A possibility is that your cd key got stolen. If so your shit out of luck
  5. Why not....there's motors, gas and guns.....a little human ingenuity and bang you got a security system. Where do think things come from? Hardware stores? Every thing on this earth comes from the earth......humanity started out with nothing but dirt, water, air and rocks. That's where everything comes from. C'mon now. :(
  6. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Obviously I've got nothing better to do at 2 a.m. I personally am not saying sucks to be you or that you cheated....What I am saying is that There is no need for you to state your case. Your side of the story is obviously that you didn't cheat. Battle Eyes side of the story is that you did. Simple. You are completely wasting your time posting about it here. What do you expect it to achieve? If I said i believe you would you feel better? Would it change anything? Submit your BAN ID to battle EYe and they'll look at it. If the ban sticks that DOES suck for you. And if it happened to me it would suck for me. But there's nothing to be gained by coming in here and proclaiming your innocence. If BattleEYe listened to every ones "side of the story" when they got banned. They'd be listening to bullshit all day long. So they have to trust in their software. And you have agreed to trust in their software too (remember that thing called the LICENSE AGREEMENT that you didn't read. ) You're right in that if it happened to me I'd be pissed. But it didn't happen to me it happened to you. So take the steps available to you and try to get it worked out. The reason they don't want to hear your side of the story is because they already know your side of the story. It's same as everyone elses.
  7. fish911503

    Fix for Graphics Glitches in

    Thanks..but I'll just wait for the patch
  8. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    First off it's not BI second It doesn't seem to me like they're saying "FUCK OFF" . It looks like they're saying... "..look, we're not interested in your stories or reasons or explanations...Just submit your BAN ID (!) and we will look at it...". This seems reasonable to me....
  9. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Honestly what's the likelihood that out of over one million players a couple thousand are cheating...close to 100% probability I'd say People have been complaining and whining for them to stop cheaters for months. Now they change something and boom.....I would be suprised if it was any less than a couple thousand global bans. I'm sure there are many more people than that actively cheating.
  10. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    From the battleye "support" page :No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored.
  11. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Why would it be unethical?? What exactly do you think anti-cheat software is?
  12. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    The message is that they are aware of cheaters and working with devs to fix it. NOT they are aware of what everyones talking about here
  13. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Is there something wrong with you?
  14. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Why complain to BIS? Seriously man
  15. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Yeah!!! no one buy that shitty game if it weren't for dayZ....Then again no on e be playing DayZ if it weren't for that shitty game.Then again it's actually a great game....Then again you sort of must not know the meaning of alpha because this is exactly how alphas are.....Then again maybe you should go back WOW or COD....then again maybe you just don't know how to play...then again.... IM JOKING. SAYING IT"S ALPHA WAS A JOKE!!!! SORTA LIKE SAYING NO ONE WOULD BUY ARMAII IF IT WERENT FOR DAYZ IS A JOKE... :) hysterical
  16. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    People it ALPHA...quit crying...lol. Just Kidding :)
  17. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Well forgive me for being a cynic...I've had friends for years who turned out to be complete pieces of shit. I'm definitely NOT going to assume I know ANYTHING about someones character by their forum posts.
  18. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I'm not assuming everyone whos been banned is a script kiddie. All I'm saying is just because the title of thread has the word "legit" in it doesn't mean everyone is...I've been on this earth long enough to know that thieves, liars and cheaters always claim innocence or ignorance. I'm not calling you a liar...but also don't blindly take your word as truth. If you contact battle eye I'm sure they can tell you why you were banned. Coming in here a posting that you've been banned for no reason is pointless.And if i did get banned I wouldn't come here demanding answers and proclaiming my innocence...I'd go to battle Eye ask what happened. Maybe it's glitch....maybe you did something you didn't know you weren't supposed to do. Maybe you picked up a hacked weapon.
  19. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Yah someone needs to start a thread for the actual cheaters who are getting banned!....Nothing personal dude but cheaters claim they are not cheaters...so just because someone says theyre legit doesn't mean they are.
  20. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Weel I was just seattle1489 and I saw BattleEye Globally ban 3 players and kick about 7 or for pings within about 30 minutes . Also repeating message saying they're aware of cheaters doing they best they can and appreciated my patience :)
  21. Pretty funny hack. Got teleported to a location with music and everyone dancing...then I got shot. Pretty funny....errmm I guess.
  22. fish911503

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Instructions for appealing ban http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1orMXD_Ijbs...